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God Forbid People Resort To Weapon

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  • God Forbid People Resort To Weapon

    Taguhi Hakobyan

    -Suren, you always participate in the rallies and civil initiatives
    of the opposition. Did you expect an anti-revolutionary period after
    the national uprising when people chanted "now"?

    I knew about the corrupt and criminal essence of the authorities very
    well. But I could not expect they would be so sneaky to shoot at
    the people. As well as I could never expect that some people would
    agree with the activities of the authorities. I could never expect
    such degradation of human values. After seeing this, I definitely
    expected that further steps of the first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan
    to destroy the system would be mild, well-thought, involving pauses
    to avoid losses. It is necessary to continue to show to the world
    and remind what a useless, corrupt and sneaky government we have in
    Armenia, how it wastes the resources of our country and destroys the
    future of our children. I see today the authorities are bankrupt,
    facing the dilemma of being or not being. Even the dialogue with
    the Armenian National Congress showed the authorities are engaged
    in imitation.

    - The press that is not controlled by the authorities reports from time
    to time that this way may eventually lead us along the Egyptian path.

    I regret to say that when I went to one of Yerevan's administrative
    districts to inform people about the previous rally of the Congress,
    people came up and started shouting, "give us guns, we can rid of them
    [the authorities] only with guns." This should alarm to the authorities
    that the citizens are ready to protect their rights with weapons. God
    forbid people are forced to such a desperate step.

    - The television keeps the public in an information blockade, and
    most journalists say professionals don't work on TV. As a former TV
    reporter, do you think it's necessary to fight to return television
    to the public first of all?

    It depends on the political government. The work of our TV channels is
    not oriented at citizen, their interests and rights are not reflected
    on the television. All the Armenian television does is showing bad
    soap operas.

    From: A. Papazian