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ANKARA: Turkish Gov't To Return Properties To Minorities

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  • ANKARA: Turkish Gov't To Return Properties To Minorities


    Aug 28, 2011

    Turkish government signs a historic decree to return property taken
    away from minority foundations by the 1936 proclamation. The decision
    includes schools, churches, stores, houses and even nightclubs.

    Surp Pırgic Armenian Hospital Foundation in Istanbul has six houses,
    stores and buildings that will be returned. Other foundations are
    also expecting to receive theirs. Hurriyet photo

    The Turkish government has signed a historic decree to return property
    taken away from minority foundations 75 years ago, a decision announced
    ahead of the prime minister's Ramadan fast-breaking dinner Sunday
    with minority group representatives.

    Published in the Official Gazette on Saturday and made by the order
    of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the decision also states that
    minority groups will be paid market value for property that was sold
    to third parties.

    The Treasury or the General Directorate of Foundations will be
    responsible for the payments, with the amounts to be determined by
    the Finance Ministry.

    Under the new decree, the minority properties that were claimed in
    the 1936 proclamation but had been registered as public or foundation
    property will be returned to their rightful owners.

    According to information obtained by the Anatolia news agency from
    the General Directorate of Foundations, minority groups gave the
    government a proclamation in 1936 detailing their immovable property.

    However, over the years, these properties were not registered under the
    minority foundations' names, and some were even sold to third parties.

    In 2008, the government took steps toward remedying this problem,
    but the efforts fell short and caused some foundations to take their
    cases to the European Court of Human Rights. The court ruled in
    favor of the minority groups and sentenced Turkey to pay large sums
    in compensation to the foundations.

    'Revolutionary' decree

    The new decree, while labeled "revolutionary" and a step toward "equal
    citizenship" by the foundations' lawyer Kezban Hatemi, is still seen as
    insufficient by those who think the properties sold to third parties
    should also be returned to their rightful owners.

    The problem stemmed from the 1936 proclamation, and the European court
    did not find it enough to define real estate by that alone, said Rıza
    Turmen, a member of the main opposition Republican People's Party,
    or CHP.

    Some of the property set to be returned to Armenian, Greek and Syriac
    foundations include schools, churches, stores, hundreds of houses,
    buildings and apartments, cemeteries, factories, and even nightclubs.

    Minority foundations have 12 months to apply, with the Foundations
    Assembly set to review each case before making the final decision to
    return the property to its rightful owner.
