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Adrian Hamilton: Turkish Government Breaches Wall Of Denial About Th

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  • Adrian Hamilton: Turkish Government Breaches Wall Of Denial About Th


    December 1, 2011 - 14:22 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - With all that was going on in Europe at the time,
    the Dersim massacre of the Tunceli Alevi in eastern Turkey between
    1937 and 1938 aroused little attention. But it was a fearful crime
    nonetheless. A total of 13,806 people, many of them civilians, were
    killed, according to documents released last week by Prime Minister
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan. As many as 22,000 were deported from the area,
    according to the musicologist Hasan Saltuk, who has a book on the
    subject coming out in May. In style, in brutality and in intent,
    it was reminiscent of the much bigger killings of the Armenians at
    the end of the First World War, Adrian Hamilton says in the article
    titled "Breaking with the past is key to Turkey's future" published
    by The Independent.

    "It's hard to overestimate the significance of the decision to release
    these documents and for the Prime Minister to publicly "apologize"
    for the action. Ever since their defeat in the First World War and
    the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Turks have been living under
    the narrative created by President Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the "father"
    of the nation - that of a modern westernized secular state which had
    rejected its past, abandoned its Muslim status and had reformed itself
    into a centralized nation. Even today it is a crime, punishable by
    imprisonment, to speak ill of him," he says.

    "By directly implicating Ataturk himself in this affair, however, the
    government is also breaching a whole wall of secrecy and denial about
    the past. With the Dersim documents out in the open, do we now move to
    open admission of state responsibility for the Armenian Genocide? Does
    Ankara accept what it has done to the Kurds within its territories?

    With the centenary of the Armenian massacres due in 2015, the
    opportunity for a grand gesture of responsibility is clearly there.

    It's what traditionalists fear, concerned that, in raking up the past,
    the government will now release the forces of fragmentation of the
    state, and liberals dearly wish for, eager to see the country face up
    to its past. Even those who distrust Erdogan's religious aspirations
    nevertheless welcome the moves to dismantle the judicial-military
    network which has dominated the country since the last war," the
    author says.

    "One of the truly great figures of the 20th century, Ataturk managed
    to get a country in the ruins of a once-powerful past to come to terms
    with its defeat and face the future. No other imperial power managed
    that feat. One asks whether the U.S. now or Britain can do it as
    effectively. But it was at a cost to tolerance, to the minorities and
    to freedom. Nearly a century later, we are in a very different world
    in which a resurgent Turkey is laying claim to a regional influence
    and an example of moderate political Islamism which it has not seen
    since the Ottoman days. For the outside world, it is its foreign
    policy that fascinates, its break with the U.S. and its support of the
    overthrow of the regimes of Libya and Syria. But it is the story of
    change within the country which is just as fascinating and uncertain.

    Nowhere does history matter as much as in the Middle East. In
    confronting its past Turkey is now preparing itself for a different
    future," he concludes.

    From: A. Papazian