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BAKU: Azerbaijan And Recent Shifts In Turkish-Iranian Relations

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan And Recent Shifts In Turkish-Iranian Relations

    Dec 2 2011

    Alex Jackson
    Political Risk Analyst
    Menas Associates, London, UK

    Relations between Turkey and Iran are in flux, and changes in the
    longstanding dynamics of cooperation and competition between them,
    amplified by the upheaval in the Middle East, Turkey's foreign
    policy shifts and the new Eurasian energy calculus, are certain to
    be significant for the entire region and for Azerbaijan in particular.

    Since the Iranian revolution of 1979, the relationship between
    Turkey and Iran has alternated between subtle competition and public
    cooperation. For Turkey's leadership, the spectre of revolutionary
    Islam in Iran and fears about a possible "Iranian scenario" at home
    have informed the thinking of many in Ankara. And for the post-1979
    Iranian leadership, the presence of a secular, pro-Western NATO
    country on its Western border has been a cause for concern.

    After the collapse of the USSR, Tehran and Ankara competed
    for influence in the newly independent states of Eurasia, with
    Iran playing the religious card and Turkey the ethnic one. This
    competition limited cooperation between them and at times led each
    to back Kurdish separatists on the territory of the other. However,
    after the AKP took power in Turkey in 2002, this changed. That party's
    Islamist and populist roots opened the way to a warmer relationship
    with Iran at an ideological level, and the AKP government's policy of
    "zero problems with neighbors," alongside a desire to find markets and
    energy suppliers, provided pragmatic reasons for closer ties. Indeed,
    despite the tensions between Iran and the international community,
    Turkey in this period has sought to manage this relationship rather
    than engage in confrontation.

    Disagreements, however, remain. Both Ankara and Tehran, for example,
    support the Arab revolutions, but they do so from different standpoints
    and for different reasons. The two countries cooperate closely
    on energy, but they disagree over the route Caspian hydrocarbons
    should take to world markets. They share some common interests in
    the Caucasus, but at the same time, they compete for influence and
    have very different approaches to regional security issues.

    Recent events have both encouraged expanding cooperation and
    intensified competition in three key areas: the Middle East,
    missile defense, and security (including energy security) in the
    South Caucasus.

    The Middle East. Iran's antagonistic relationship with Israel has
    been a major difference between Tehran and Ankara, but the rapid
    deterioration of Turkish-Israeli ties has caused a significant shift
    in the geopolitics of the region. Turkey's motivations in this case
    are mixed, but alongside genuine anger and domestic politics is the
    desire of Prime Minister Erdogan to become a champion of the "Arab
    street" and of the Palestinians in particular. Criticizing Israel
    and embracing the revolutionaries is enabling Turkey to outflank Iran.

    Tehran has traditionally seen itself as a key player in the region,
    but the bloody repression meted out by its Syrian ally and the secular
    nature of the revolutions is marginalizing Iranian influence and
    boosting Turkey's. Put in simplest terms, Turkey appears to be on
    the side of the revolutions, while Iran does not.

    Turkish-Iranian relations will be profoundly affected by the course
    of the Arab Spring. Civil war in Syria or Turkish intervention there
    would damage ties. If the AKP succeeds in setting itself up as "a
    model" for the revolutionary states, Tehran will become suspicious
    about losing regional influence.

    These shifts have consequences for Azerbaijan. For years, Azerbaijan
    has endured complaints from Iran about its burgeoning defense and
    economic relationship with Israel; now it may have to endure them
    from its close ally Turkey, too. On September 19, Turkey's ambassador
    to Baku, Hulusi Kılıc, stated that "the problem of a brotherly
    state should be a problem for Azerbaijan, too" and suggested that
    Azerbaijani oil exports to Israel via Turkey should be reconsidered.

    Worsening relations between Turkey and Israel might also lead Israeli
    pressure groups to align themselves with the Armenian diaspora,
    a move that would in turn worsen ties between Tel Aviv and Baku.

    This places Azerbaijan in an awkward position. An escalation
    would leave Azerbaijan's relationship with Israel without Turkish
    support: for although Azerbaijan is mature enough to deal with other
    states alone, it has benefited from Turkey's close cooperation with
    Israel, which served as a springboard for Baku's own relationship,
    particularly in defense and joint industrial ventures. The harmonizing
    of Turkish and Iranian views on the Israel issue may therefore make
    it increasingly difficult for Azerbaijan to maintain close ties with
    the Israeli state.

    Missile defense. Despite concerns about the AKP's alleged slide into
    anti-Westernism and Islamism, Turkey has recently agreed to host
    part of NATO's planned missile defense network, a network assumed to
    be aimed at Iran. The decision has provoked anger in Tehran, with
    Tehran warning that the system "will definitely have complicated
    consequences" and will not improve Turkey's security. This is a
    serious, "hard security" issue which Tehran views as a direct threat
    and it may lead to a significant deterioration in ties.

    The fact that Turkey has agreed to host the missile defense shield
    speaks volumes about its threat perception of Iran. Officially, both
    states have warm and peaceful ties, and to a large extent this is
    true; but clearly, officials in Ankara believe that Iran's nuclear and
    ballistic missile program is a threat. Consequently, unless Turkey
    saw a real and direct benefit to its national interests, it would
    not provoke Iran by signing up to the project. Iran, as a result,
    is clearly revising its opinion of Turkey.

    A breakdown in the security relationship between Iran and Turkey
    clearly affects Azerbaijan. Baku's warm, multidimensional relationship
    with Ankara would take precedence, of course, but its ties with Iran
    would also have to be taken into account. Balancing between them
    would be difficult.

    Security and Energy in the Caucasus. Ankara and Tehran are often
    portrayed as engaging in a kind of "soft war" in the Caucasus,
    with Turkey backing Azerbaijan and Iran backing Armenia in the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The reality is more complex, but Iran
    does represent a vital lifeline to Armenia, a bridge that allows it
    to partially offset the Turkish-Azerbaijani closure of borders with
    Yerevan. At the same time, Turkey's support is integral to Azerbaijan's
    security strategy. Moreover, Iran's support for pro-Islamic groups
    in Azerbaijan is countered by the normative example of Turkey as a
    secular Muslim state.

    Both Turkey and Iran are publicly committed to a peaceful settlement
    of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, but have different approaches.

    Turkey, after its attempt to promote a rapprochement with Armenia
    without consulting Azerbaijan, has linked improvement of bilateral
    ties with progress on Nagorno-Karabakh. Essentially, Turkey follows
    Azerbaijan's line. Iran's aim in contrast is twofold: to prevent
    Azerbaijani irredentism in northern Iran, and to limit the involvement
    of outside powers like the US and the EU in the region. Its main
    contribution is to insist that the conflict be settled through the
    negotiations of regional powers. At the same time and more subtly,
    both Turkey and Iran seek to decrease the others' influence through
    promoting their own model of conflict resolution. Turkey conspicuously
    avoided including Iran in its Caucasus Stability and Cooperation
    Platform idea in 2008, while Iran has lobbied for a more active role
    in the peacemaking efforts.

    Competition could emerge here, particularly if a peace settlement
    driven by Turkey reduced Iranian regional influence. By itself,
    that would not be sufficient to significantly damage Turkish-Iranian
    ties, but given the fragility and complexity of security in the South
    Caucasus, it could lead to a sudden shift in regional dynamics and
    spark confrontation.

    Ultimately, security in the South Caucasus is in major ways a matter
    of perceptions. If Iran perceives that a successful, Turkish-led
    resolution to Nagorno-Karabakh increases the influence of Turkey--and
    by extension of NATO and anti-Iranian elements in Azerbaijan--it
    is likely to oppose it and act accordingly. For similar reasons,
    relations between Tehran and Ankara would deteriorate, if Turkey
    begins backing the EU in supporting a Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline
    (TCGP) to bring Central Asian gas to Europe. Iran and Russia staunchly
    oppose the project, as it would limit their influence as "gateways"
    to Central Asia; but for Turkey, a TCGP would be a further step toward
    achieving its ambition of being a Eurasia-wide energy hub. An active
    Turkish embrace of this project would likewise be seen in Tehran as
    an unwanted Western penetration of the region.

    In both these cases, Iran would likely stop viewing Turkey as a
    "Muslim" state and start seeing it--again--as a "Western" one, the
    agent of European and US expansion into the region. This tendency or
    the countervailing tendency would be reinforced and amplified by other
    aspects in their bilateral relationship. On its own, Turkish support
    for a Caspian gas pipeline is unlikely to be seen as a threat in Iran.

    But if it is coupled with NATO radar and missile bases in Turkey,
    closer cooperation with the US in Iraq, opposition to Iranian allies in
    the Middle East and warmer ties with Israel, then it would be viewed
    very negatively indeed. Turkey and Iran have a multidimensional
    partnership, and the alignment of multiple factors is a necessary
    condition to seriously affect ties.

    The implications for Azerbaijan are twofold. On the one hand, Baku
    is more than capable of acting independently and balancing between
    the two powers even during temporary or one-dimensional disputes.

    Azerbaijan is an important state and has the capacity to sit tight
    during an argument between neighbors. But on the other, the reverse
    is also true. When Turkish-Iranian relations are good, Azerbaijan
    can enjoy better ties with both states, but if they deteriorate,
    Azerbaijan may be forced to make an either/or choice between them.

    Baku almost certainly would choose Turkey, given the nature of
    their relationship, but it would contribute to the polarization of
    geopolitics in the region. The constant challenge for Baku's foreign
    policy is to balance between these two poles, as well as between many
    more in its neighborhood.
