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Canada Must Get In Step With New Turkey

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  • Canada Must Get In Step With New Turkey


    The Globe and Mail
    December 1, 2011 Thursday

    Turkey is suddenly a player in many of the world's major events,
    and Canada hasn't yet found a way to come to grips with it. Ottawa's
    relationship with Turkey has been lukewarm because of a pointed
    dispute over history, and marginal mutual interest. But the country,
    which has been on the edge of our radar, is moving front and centre.

    Stephen Harper's government wants trade with growing emerging markets,
    and Turkey is one such economy, despite the slowdown in Europe. It's
    an obvious next step if Canada completes a free trade deal with the EU.

    And Turkey is an emerging regional power on the front lines of global
    politics in areas where Canada sees itself as having an interest,
    but few levers.

    Turkey's tough approach with neighbouring Syria's crackdown on
    opposition has weight. It issued tough condemnations, and now
    sanctions, and was influential is pressing the Arab League to pressure
    Damascus. After Canada and other Western nations imposed new sanctions
    over Iran's nuclear program, Tehran responded to speculation about
    Israeli or U.S. military strikes with threats to retaliate against
    Turkey, a NATO ally.

    And as the Arab Spring led in the West to hope of democracy and fear of
    Islamists taking power, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan stressed
    secular democracy can go with and Islam.

    Turkey's not a perfect democratic ally. "There are warts, no question
    about it. There are journalists in jail," said Carleton University
    international relations professor Fen Hampson. But Canada doesn't
    only need ties to countries that think just as it does. "Boy-scout
    friendships aside, for a country like Canada, which sees itself as
    having foreign-policy interests in that region, we need a mature
    relationship with Turkey," he said.

    But Ottawa's relations with Turkey are sputtering. Turkish ambassador
    Rafet Akgunay described them as not terrible, but not great. "For the
    time being, if I said that relations are going in the right direction,
    I would be lying," he said.

    There have been steps. Ottawa slightly increased the number of
    Toronto-Istanbul flights. There's some consultation on Syria and
    Libya. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has met his Turkish
    counterpart, Ahmet Davutoglu, at international conferences. "We have
    tried to co-operate. But the co-operation level is not as it should
    be," Mr. Akgunay said.

    The "stumbling block" is a Canadian government declaration that
    the mass killings of Armenians near the end of the Ottoman Empire,
    which by some estimates killed 1.5 million, was a genocide. Turkey
    considers that an insult, insisting hundreds of thousands of deaths
    came in strife in which many Muslims also died, and it was not a plot
    to extinguish Armenians.

    The genocide statement was adopted in a 2004 Commons resolution, and
    Mr. Harper's government endorsed it in 2006. Tension had eased in 2010,
    but was renewed when Mr. Harper repeated the genocide statements in
    2011, Mr. Akgunay said.

    Turkey won't persuade Mr. Harper's government to backtrack. Mr.

    Akgunay suggests softening signals could ease tensions. "Diplomacy
    is a way of using words," he said.

    There are other avenues. Turkey's growing economy hasn't featured
    in Mr. Harper's push for trade with emerging-market countries. There
    were exploratory talks about free trade in 2010, but none in 2011. But
    there's an obvious logic for moving ahead. Turkey has a customs union
    with the EU, so if Canada strikes a deal with the EU, it would smooth
    matters for all sides.

    There is business potential, according to Burak Aktas, Export
    Development Canada representative in Istanbul. Canada sells goods such
    as newsprint, pulp and scrap steel, but Canadian engineering firms have
    opportunities to build major hospitals, highways, and power plants,
    he said. "Turkey is far away, but there are opportunities here now."
