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TBILISI: Prospects For A United Caucasus

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  • TBILISI: Prospects For A United Caucasus


    The Messenger
    Dec 2 2011

    Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili is actively promoting the idea
    of a United Caucasus. A year ago he mentioned this idea to Azerbaijani
    president Ilham Aliev, a couple of days ago he said the same thing to
    the Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan. Both leaders of the neighbouring
    countries kept silent and left the idea without comment.

    Some analysts and the representatives of the Georgian opposition
    express their doubt about the possibility of a United Caucasus.

    During his meeting with his Armenian counterpart, Saakashvili spoke
    in detail about the idea of a United Caucasus, which would mean a
    united economic space and in the long run the creation of a political
    commonwealth. There is no alternative for our little countries,
    stated Saakashvili, adding that all the conflicts in the Caucasus
    are initiated by imperialist forces from outside, meaning Russia
    of course. Analyst and expert in Caucasus issues Mamuka Areshidze
    mentioned that making such statements is senseless and confusing
    because the issue is not prepared and is unrealistic. How can one
    offer unification between countries which are embroiled in military
    confrontation? Areshidze thinks that Saakashvili's idea is based on
    a certain concept probably coming from the west and maybe based on
    economic unity which might look attractive, however is not realistic.

    Maybe the Georgian president as usual is under the influence of some
    attractive idea and wants to promote it in the usual hasty way.

    The leader of the Green Party Giorgi Gachechiladze thinks that
    Saakashvili is making some steps and it is not only talk. According
    to him moving the government to Kutaisi is a move towards the
    implementation of the United Caucasus. Thus Saakashvili wants to move
    the capital of Georgia to make the capital of a Caucasus confederation
    Tbilisi, thinks Gachechiladze. Most of Georgian society assesses
    the idea of a Caucasus confederation skeptically despite the fact
    that Saakashvili took the decision of moving parliament to Kutaisi
    and even stated the date for that, May 26, 2012 though most of the
    opposition thinks the move is unacceptable.

    As for the idea of a United Caucasus most commentators think that the
    idea is not formed and shaped even for Saakashvili himself. There is
    no viable plan or calculation, parameters or other technical issues
    thought out and these are absolutely necessary when any kind of
    serious and solid plans are put together. Even conceptually there
    are no ideas about the role and position of Russia with its North
    Caucasus republics and their interests and so on. Many question marks
    exist and before any move is made everything should be reconsidered.

    From: Baghdasarian