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AXA Inter-Attorney Squabble II

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  • AXA Inter-Attorney Squabble II

    Garen Yegparian

    On Mon., Nov. 21, a hearing took place in Federal Judge Christina A.
    Snyder's court in downtown Los Angeles. It was the second in as many
    weeks, and part of the lawsuit that has pitted against one another
    attorneys Mark Geragos/Brian Kabateck vs. Vartkes Yeghiayan, who once
    jointly fought the French insurance company AXA to secure payment
    to the heirs of genocide victims who had bought life insurance
    policies from that company. Much of what was addressed at the two
    hearings was redundant because at the Nov. 14 hearing, Yeghiayan's
    attorney, Roman Silberfeld, was unable to attend and was replaced by
    another, Gabrielson. The judge was unwilling to finalize anything in
    Silberfeld's absence.

    Before proceeding, a "refresher" regarding some numbers is necessary
    to follow what transpired during these two hearings. Approximately
    13,000 claims were filed. Of these, about 1,000 were paid (the
    amounts paid varied dramatically, from the low hundreds of dollars
    to the hundreds of thousands). A sample (104) of the paid claims was
    examined by both sides. It turns out 10 were duplicates or could not
    be found, leaving 94. Among these some discrepancies have been found,
    which constitute the current heart of the controversy.

    Leading up to the later session a filing was made by the Yeghiayan
    side. It described the status of the negotiations between the two
    sides and laid out allegations against the other side, Geragos and
    Kabateck. During the course of the hearing, the judge expressed
    displeasure with the filing, seemingly agreeing with Kabateck in his
    contention that it was an end run around the court's instructions
    that Yeghiayan refrain from issuing press releases.

    Once again, the name of Parsegh Kartalian came up. He was the
    administrator who ran the distribution of the millions of dollars
    that AXA was required to pay to the rightful recipients of the
    insurance policies' payouts. One meeting has been held with him,
    and the Yeghiayan side expressed dissatisfaction with that session.

    Geragos (who was also absent from the Nov. 14 hearing) emphatically
    requested, repeatedly, that Snyder order that he and Silberfeld
    be locked in a room to hash out the problems and come up with a
    resolution. The judge did so, expressing concern that otherwise much
    of the funds due to the claimants might be expended on audits of the
    files. But this is what Yeghiayan's side is requesting to make sure
    everything has been properly processed. Geragos and Kabateck countered
    that to review all 1,000 files would be prohibitively expensive,
    while agreeing that a 0.1 percent correction is owed to those who
    received payments. This followed on the heels of both sides agreeing
    at the Nov. 14 hearing that the preceding six weeks (since the last
    hearing) had been an exercise in futility.

    Silberfeld agreed that most of the outstanding issues could be
    resolved between Geragos and himself. But, he argued that no amount
    of negotiation could settle the issue of whether the discrepancies
    discovered in the sample of files examined also affect the other
    900 paid claims. He even suggested that some threshold could be
    established, giving the example of $25,000 as a means of limiting
    the scope of the work. Then, any claims with payouts higher than that
    figure could be audited.

    The question of whether the 12,000 rejected claims were properly
    processed has not been addressed.

    At both hearings, Kabateck asserted that the issues raised by Yeghiayan
    were intended to distract attention from the latter's misdeeds,
    as alleged by the former. The judge indicated some suspicion of
    the same. Along the same lines, Kabateck also complained that he
    perceived an ever-expanding list of issues to be addressed being
    raised by Yeghiayan.

    Judge Snyder expressed her sense that at some point, an independent
    accountant would have to look at some of the files. She said she
    wants to limit the scope of that work in the interest of saving the
    compensation fund's monies. She did say, however, that it might
    become necessary for those who mishandled the process to pay for
    such auditing.

    The next hearing is scheduled for Dec. 5.

    In the interest of full disclosure, my family is an AXA claimant. The
    claim was denied. No explanation was given.
