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OSCE Promotes Women's Political Participation In Armenia

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  • OSCE Promotes Women's Political Participation In Armenia

    02.12.2011 16:06

    Measures to increase the number of women candidates nominated by
    Armenian political parties was the focus of a roundtable discussion
    organized today by the OSCE Office in Yerevan and the OSCE Office
    for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

    Representatives from political parties discussed how to increase
    women's participation in political life as well as best practices in
    advancing women as leaders, decision-makers and candidates.

    "Women leaders play an essential role in the development of robust
    democratic societies and sustainable political systems," said Carel
    Hofstra, the Acting Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan. "In the run-up
    to the parliamentary elections in May 2012, the OSCE is looking to
    support the country to ensure the elections are free and fair. In
    addition, an election cannot possibly fulfill OSCE commitments unless
    it includes the opportunity for full and equal participation by women."

    The meeting was part of ODIHR's continuing work to strengthen the
    democratic functioning of political parties and electoral processes,
    in line with OSCE commitments on political party pluralism and equal

    "ODIHR supports the political party reform process in Armenia by
    sharing good practices in democratic governance and women's political
    participation from across the OSCE region," said Diana Digol, ODIHR
    Project Officer.

    During the meeting, participants were presented with the
    ODIHR-supported study, Gender Equality in Elected Office: A Six-Step
    Action Plan, which identifies trends in women's political participation
    in the OSCE region and introduces concrete strategies for enhancing
    women's role in public life.

    The findings of a study on the gender dimension of civic and political
    participation in Armenia, prepared with the support of the United
    Nations Population Fund and the OSCE Office in Yerevan, were also

    The roundtable will be followed by a two-day intensive training course
    for women candidates from several political parties. The training
    will focus on developing political skills in the areas of platform
    development, effective campaigning and relations with the media.

    From: Baghdasarian