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Oligarchs Did Not Become Aristocrats

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  • Oligarchs Did Not Become Aristocrats

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 16:23:38 - 02/12/2011

    It is difficult to say what the party is going to offer to the society
    until we see the Republican election tickets. Republicans affirm that
    fewer businessmen and more young people will be on the ticket, and
    show as the first step, the promotion of young Eduard Sharmazanov's
    candidacy to the post of the Vice-Speaker.

    It is not voiced, but the substitution of the major businessman Hovik
    Abrahamyan at the post of the Speaker with the convinced functionary
    Samvel Nikoyan is also a change.

    Apparently, the authorities are trying to form the ruling aristocracy.

    It became clear that oligarchs lack intellectual knowledge to be
    aristocrats and hence, it was decided to put forward more presentable

    The fact that the criminalized oligarchy will be gradually left out of
    the politics can be only welcomed. But, it is necessary to think who
    will come to replace it. Young opportunists, nurtured in the spirit
    of the Young Communist League, are unlikely to bring something new.

    Especially because the current oligarchs will try to hire many of
    them and use as their avatars in the next parliament.

    It can seem there is no alternative but only Komsomol. But Armenia is
    full of young people who have excellent education, who think globally
    and independently, technically and schematically who have a wide
    range of interests and want to work. Many of them are closed in some
    offices for 200 dollars a month, someone does not stand up and leaves,
    someone has to limit their horizons, because the Armenian market does
    not tolerate fantasies.

    The Republican Party just needs to look for these people and give them
    freedom of activities, sure, if they want to modernize the country.

    These people need to be given the possibility to work out fantastic
    plans, do brainstorming and collect ideas. Only a creative political
    force has future, which is able to create its own thing. Of course,
    it is also possible to replace communists with komsomols, oligarchs -
    their assistants, it is even possible to appoint judges the sons of
    the current prosecutors, but this way we will only preserve maximum
    what we have now. Open doors are necessary for the development.
