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NKR Society Will Explode

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  • NKR Society Will Explode

    NKR Society Will Explode

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 16:52:45 - 03/12/2011

    The intrigue of elections in Karabakh

    The preparations of the parliamentary elections in Armenia shaded the
    presidential elections in Karabakh in summer 2012. Perhaps the
    internal situation in Armenia is so predictable and considered as
    dependent on Yerevan that analysts do not even bother to address this
    issue, considering it as solved. In the meantime, the total social and
    political degradation in Karabakh promises interesting developments,
    and the Karabakh society shows signs of waking up.

    The ex-chief of staff of the NKR government won the mayoral election
    in Stepanakert. Suren Grigoryan got 8500 votes. One fourth of voters
    voted for Edward Aghabekyan, the ex-mayor. It means that at least one
    fourth of the population of Karabakh would like to change the vector
    of constant apathy and take part in decision making.

    In 2005, Edward Aghabekyan was the only mayor in the region who was
    elected through democratic vote. We must acknowledge the role of the
    president of NKR then Arkady Ghukasyanwho actually guaranteed the
    right of the citizens of Stepanakert to vote. Aghabekyan was
    opposition member of parliament and succeeded because people felt the
    freedom of vote.

    Later, though, the government boycotted the City Hall, refusing to
    subsidize development programs, but Aghabekyan stayed till the end of
    his three-year term and «survived» Prime Minister Anushavan Danielyan.

    The administration of the next president Bako Sahakyan appointed
    Edward Aghabekyan as advisor to the prime minister. Bako Sahakyan's
    brother-in-law Vazgen Mikayelyan was the next mayor.

    Recently Edward Aghabekyan's resignation has been reported. He was
    said to be replaced by Vazgen Mikayelyan. Aghabekyan has not spelled
    out his plans yet but voters say if he runs in the presidential
    elections in summer, he will be a real alternative.

    Masis Mayilyan's nomination will be a clear intrigue who ran in 2007
    and got 13 percent defying tough and violent use of the administrative

    Arkady Ghukasyan, the ex-president, may also announce about his
    presidential ambitions, who did not violate the constitution and run
    for a second term in 2007.

    If they try to reduce artificially the temperature of the society to
    zero, and freeze the vital functions of the society, the society
    either dies or explodes. If 25 percent of voters in Stepanakert voted
    for Edward Aghabekyan, it means considerations of death of the society
    in Karabakh are exaggeratedm and the explosion must be expected.

    People cannot live long deprived of liberty to make decisions by
    intimidation through resumption of war and abstract world
    conspiracies. Once the brain wakes up, the former monsters look like
