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Ramkavar Azatakan Leader asks PM a number of rhetorical questions

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  • Ramkavar Azatakan Leader asks PM a number of rhetorical questions

    Leader of Ramkavar Azatakan party asks Armenian PM a number of
    rhetorical questions

    Friday, December 2, 18:21

    The leader of the Ramkavar Azatakan party Harutyun Arakelyan has
    appeared with a number of rhetorical questions to Prime Minister of
    Armenia Tigran Sargsyan.

    As far as Arakelyan knows, some $35,000,000 were transferred from the
    accounts of the Nairit Plant to the accounts of different
    organizations in Mar 2009. $22,000,000 were given to an unknown Danish
    financial group, $8,000,000 - to Rhinoville Property Limited. The
    remaining sum was paid to the plant's employees.

    Arakelyan wonders where this money is from and if the managers of the
    plant had so much money, why they didn't spend just $150,000 to repair
    the workshop that later blew up.

    Besides, Naitit owes almost 7,000,000 AMD to the Yerevan-TPP company.
    The debt accrued in 2007-Mar 2010 when the plant was idle. As regards
    Yerevan-TPP, it has repaid all of its debts to ArmRusgasprom.

    Arakelyan's question is: has the state-owned Yerevan-TPP actually
    provided Nairit, a company owned by the private off-shore Rhinoville
    Property Limited, a non-interest perpetual loan? The point is that
    during the same period Yerevan-TPP borrowed 12% loans for repaying its
    debts to ArmRusgasprom.
