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'Angels of Comfort' knitting comfort for others

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  • 'Angels of Comfort' knitting comfort for others

    Wooster Daily Record
    Dec 4 2011

    'Angels of Comfort' knitting comfort for others


    Staff Writer

    ORRVILLE -- It has been almost seven years since a group of about a
    dozen women began getting together at Trinity United Methodist Church
    to socialize while keeping their knitting needles in motion.

    In 2004, they couldn't possibly have envisioned the work before them
    in the years to follow, or the impact they would have not only in
    their local community, but across the country and around the world as

    Sharon Kowaleski, wife of the Rev. David Kowaleski, remembers in its
    first get-together the group "had a nice time, and we decided to meet
    a couple of weeks later." Those first casual sessions became regular
    meetings on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 9-11 a.m.

    The knitting circle began making useful things people in hospitals and
    nursing homes and soldiers fighting on foreign battlefields could use,
    and they adopted a name for their group -- "Angels of Comfort."

    Over the seven-year period, said Kowaleski, 32 women have come and
    gone from the group, although there is a core of devoted members that
    goes back to when the Angels organized. Meetings typically open with
    devotions and Scripture readings, then out come the knitting needles
    and news of the day to be traded and savored, and in no time colorful
    skeins of yarn are being transformed into a variety of comfortable

    Kowaleski said each year's production has a theme, but no one knows
    what that's going to be, or where the group is going to come up with
    the yarn needed to make what is needed. But, says, Kowaleski, every
    year the Lord has provided the group with a mission and the materials
    to carry it out.

    In 2005, the group heard from a service man that troops in Iraq could
    use scarves. The knitters turned out 200 of them in a camouflage
    pattern and sent them over. That same year they crafted 18 prayer
    shawls and a dozen lap robes for use in nursing homes.

    The next year they used furry yarn to make caps for people undergoing
    chemotherapy. Seventy-five of the caps stayed in Wayne County, with
    three dozen sent to St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Tennessee.

    According to Kowaleski, who maintains a journal of the work done by
    the group, 2008 was the Angels' "this and that year," which saw the
    women make scarves, prayer shawls and large afghans.

    In 2009, the group affiliated with a national "Knit for Kids" effort,
    making items to be sent to orphanages in Europe. Members also made 36
    sweaters for the Joy Center in Kentucky, with 51 people from the
    church boarding a bus to hand-deliver their creations to the
    youngsters in a four-day road trip.

    Last year the ladies adopted an Armenian mission, making 146 hats, as
    well as matching gloves in many cases, and 22 scarves. Esther Leggett,
    a four-year member of the group, knitted 114 of the hats herself.

    The women said they had seen photographs of the area of Armenia where
    their projects were to be sent, and said the landscape was hugely

    "Even though the pictures were in color," said Kowaleski, "it looked
    like they were in black and white, because everything was so drab."
    The Angels said they like to imagine the brightly-colored items they
    knitted lending a sense of bright color to that environment as they
    are worn by children.

    As the 2011 knitting season draws to a close, the Angels look back on
    207 additional hats and 119 colorful scarves made for the Armenia
    mission, as well as 30 helmet liners to be sent to United States
    troops fighting in Afghanistan. In addition, they made blankets for
    the Children's Advocacy Center for sexually abused children.

    Before the year's production is shipped out to the recipients,
    Kowaleski said it receives a "congregational blessing." She said all
    of the items made by the Angels are laid out on the altar, communion
    rails, tables and racks for the congregation to see. Prayer is offered
    for the recipients.

    "We're now into the thousands of items produced," said Kowaleski,
    noting the group "didn't follow any kind of a formula in this. It's
    all been dumb luck. But what we do is important. What we do goes all
    over the world."

    Kowaleski said like the knitting assignments that seem to come right
    from God, so, too, do the materials for the job. She said, oddly
    enough, donations of yarn have always been received exactly at the
    right moment.

    She said families cleaning out attics or residences of loved ones
    often show up with yarn to be donated to the effort. One way or
    another, Kowaleski said, the yarn always arrives when needed.

    Nancy Brest of Orrville, one of the original members of the Angels and
    a regular attendee, said she enjoys being part of the group "because I
    enjoy knitting and I enjoy my church family ... and also because here
    I don't have to buy my own yarn. I like to knit sweaters especially,
    and I just think it's a fun group."

    Leggett, who has been a member of the Angels since retiring from her
    job several years ago, said she participates because she was so deeply
    touched by the story of a Doylestown minister's daughter who was
    killed while on a mission to Armenia where the group now sends many of
    its items.

    "His story went right to my heart," Leggett said. "The Lord has never
    actually talked to me, that I've heard, but I know he tapped me on the
    shoulder with this. I just felt compelled."

    "We all can't do everything," said Kowaleski, "but this is something we can do."

    Kowaleski said the group is open to anyone of any denomination who
    enjoys knitting, and all they have to do to join the Angels is show

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress