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Pharmaceutics to be included among priority sectors of Armenian econ

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  • Pharmaceutics to be included among priority sectors of Armenian econ

    Pharmaceutics to be included among priority sectors of Armenian economy

    December 4, 2011 - 16:42 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - At present, Armenia's pharmaceutical production can
    meet only 8% of total customer demand in the country, the chairman of
    NA Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Health Care and Environmental
    Protection said, stressing the necessity for the development of the
    sector in the country.

    In view of growing demand for pharmaceuticals, increase of production
    volume to USD 35 mln against 8,8 mln in 2010 is planned, with export
    volume to grow to USD 25 mln against 5 mln in 2010; jobs in relevant
    sector will increase to 1800 against 550 in 2010.

    As of today, Armenia-manufactured pharmaceuticals are exported to the
    following markets: Georgia- 38%, Russia - 18%, Uzbekistan - 13%,
    Belarus - 6%, Ukraine - 5%, Qatar - 4%.

    At the seminar on export-oriented industrial development strategy, Ara
    Babloyan noted raw material supply, distribution and storage as
    problematic issues. However, he said, Armenia prides itself on having
    been the first CIS state to have founded a quality control laboratory
    to guarantee high quality medications entry to Armenian market of
    pharmaceuticals. Also, the official noted, implementation of
    international standards staring Jan 1, 2013 will allow for increase of
    export production.

    On December 4, TUMO center for creative technologies is hosting a
    seminar on export-oriented industrial development strategy, with
    representatives of government structures, entrepreneurs and
    politicians attending.

    From: Baghdasarian