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Des Soutiens Pour Ragip Zarakolu

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  • Des Soutiens Pour Ragip Zarakolu

    mardi 6 decembre 2011

    You know that, for a long time, we have been contemplating a working
    team to canalize any activities, campaigns, visits and so on concerning
    Ragıp Zarakolu's arrestment from a single center in Turkey.

    In this connection, the Association of Turkish Publishers, the Writers'
    Trade Union of Turkey and Turkey PEN have been negotiated.

    As a result of these negotiations, we had a strong impression that
    these three non-governmental organizations will support all activities
    and do's to be conducted for Zarakolu. Additionally, Muzaffer Erdoğdu,
    a member of the Committee for Freedom of Thought, Association of
    Turkish Publishers and owner of Pencere Publishing House, declared
    his will to work in coordination together with us. The Human Rights
    Association declared their overt support in this context and Hulusi
    Zeybel from this Association proposed to collaborate in person with
    us. Finally, the Kadıkoy Initiative for Freedom of Thought stated
    their overt support to our activities.

    The commission which was set up with these three organizations'
    support is composed of Ali Sait Cetinoğlu, Attila Tuygan, Erol Ozkoray,
    Hacı Orman, Sennur Baybuğa and Sinan Zarakolu. All communications,
    plannings and suggestions will be shared to the public through them
    and the foreign connections will be carried out by them.

    The commission has the following program :

    1- First of all, a delegation comprised of the representatives of
    these non-governmental organizations, the writers and journalists
    will visit Zarakolu in a shortest time. A step will be taken in this
    direction on Monday by Lawyer Sennur Baybuğa ;

    2- The notebook including the signatures and writings entered
    during TUYAP Book Fair for the sake of support to Zarakolu will be
    immediately expanded and published as a book with the Writers' Trade
    Union's contribution.

    3- Various writers will be invoked to write articles in the Zarakolu's
    column of the newspaper ;

    4- Views and ideas will be bounced off with the delegations from
    abroad and announced to the media. The delegations from abroad will
    be provided with at least coordination services during their contacts
    and meetings.

    5- Mainly, the best efforts will be made in order for Zarakolu not
    to be forgetten during his arrest, and the fact that his arrest is
    injustice and extralegal will be kept on emphasizing and proclaiming.
