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Armenian Director Ruben Gini Offers A New Historical Perspective

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  • Armenian Director Ruben Gini Offers A New Historical Perspective

    By Alena Rasi
    Thursday, December 1st, 2011

    "Armenia - The Great Chinese Journey"

    China's ties with the western civilization has long been a topic for
    debate. A documentary film by a 26-year-old Armenian director offers
    a new perspective. Will it prove to be a sensation?

    Based exclusively on scientific research, the latest archaeological
    findings and archival data, "Armenia - The Great Chinese Journey"
    is a new documentary that promises to present previously unknown
    historical artefacts.

    Radio86 interviewed director Ruben Gini to find out more What makes
    it unique?

    "It is not a story of one nation. My purpose is to make the documentary
    equally interesting for a broad audience, from different countries,
    and also for different ages, from respected scholars to schoolboys,"
    explained Gini.

    The history of the ancient East still retains many secrets. What
    century saw the first contact between the East and the West? Who was
    the first Westerner to reach Tibet? Who was the first Chinese person
    to travel westwards and visit Rome? The answers to these questions
    are buried in time.

    "However, in our new documentary "Armenia - the Great Chinese Journey "
    we will try to find the answers by relying on the latest archaeological
    data, international publications and interviews with Western and
    Asian experts. This is what makes it unique," said Gini.

    The documentary uses three periods to explore the history of
    Chinese-Armenian relations, beginning with antiquity and the Middle
    Ages, then the 20th century and finally the modern age and the Shanghai
    2010 Expo.

    Viewers will head on an exciting and educating journey back in
    time to see major historical events with their own eyes and make
    new discoveries.

    Accessing archives: Mission possible A couple of decades ago,
    accessing Chinese archive materials would have been an impossible
    mission. However, today, all the doors are open to this young film

    Working on the documentary script, he felt like a detective
    investigating the mysteries of the past: "I think that now is a
    convenient time to work with archives in China because, after 100
    years of communism, this country is open again. Now a Westerner can
    get access to these unstudied historical records and resources."

    "The script is mostly ready but we are constantly receiving new data
    and making final changes. For the shooting, we are planning to visit
    five countries and 14 cities, such as Shanghai, Harbin, Lhasa (Tibet),
    Samarkand, Singapore, Macao and Hong Kong," said the director.

    Truth or legend?

    Ruben Gini was born in Erevan, Armenia, and studied film directing at
    the All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK). He moved
    to China in 2004 to work as a creative director in an advertisement
    company. Now at age 26, he communicates in four languages: Russian,
    Armenian English and Chinese.

    China could not but arouse his curiosity, which soon evolved into deep
    interest and passion: "The experience I got in China was as valuable
    as gold," admitted Gini. Being fond of history and archaeology,
    he participated in several scientific expeditions in Armenia and China.

    "What intrigued me most was the fact that Chinese history is so
    different and closely intertwined with legend. Sometimes it's not
    easy to define truth from the legend," observes Gini.

    Unknown artefacts Contemporary archaeological research shows that China
    and Armenia were in contact in the second century BCE. To prove this,
    the documentary will feature convincing artefacts, such as ancient
    Armenian coins found in China and an image of the Chinese dragon on
    Armenian engravings.

    Armenia is important in this respect due to its geographical location
    on the crossroads of cultures and trading routes. Gini says, that
    Chinese-Armenian relations have not been studied very extensively.

    For example, not many of us know that Armenian costume served as
    a sort of pass to the Eastern trade routes: "Europeans disguised
    themselves in Armenian clothes to see the wonders of China," says Gini.

    "It's important to understand that the first contacts with the East
    were the first steps towards globalisation, a process which began in
    ancient times and is continuing to the present day and to the future...

    So the film intends to show these connections," concluded Ruben Gini.

    The film will be released during 2012.
