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Better Mobility Between The EU And Armenia: A Conference Facilitates

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  • Better Mobility Between The EU And Armenia: A Conference Facilitates

    07.12.2011 11:24

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, the European Commission
    (EC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) convened
    today a high-level conference on the Mobility Partnerships with the
    European Union. The conference aimed at addressing the implementation
    of such partnerships with the Eastern Partner countries and the launch
    of the EU-Armenia Mobility Partnership signed in October 2011.

    During the event detailed information was provided to the Armenian
    Government institutions and civil society about Mobility Partnerships,
    which are an important tool of the EU's Global Approach to Migration
    and Mobility. Representatives of the Moldovan and Georgian Governments,
    and IOM Missions in Moldova and Georgia presented best practices
    and lessons learnt from the implementation of similar Mobility
    Partnerships in Moldova and Georgia respectively. The conference
    also involved the representatives of Armenia, EU Member States and
    the European Commission in an active discussion on the expectations
    and perspectives for Armenia and the EU after the recently signed
    EU-Armenia Mobility Partnership.

    Mr. Zohrab Mnatsakanian, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, welcomed
    the initiative of the conference as an instrumental convention for
    discussing the practical sides of implementation of the MP.

    IOM Regional Director for Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and Central
    Asia, Ms. Renate Held appreciated the opportunity for IOM to assist
    in implementation of the EU's Mobility Partnerships in ENP region and
    reconfirmed IOM's readiness to continue this technical assistance
    with regard to migration management reforms in Armenia, including
    all migration-related aspects of the cooperation with the EU.

    Mr. Onno Simons, Acting Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia said
    that the launch of the Mobility Partnership with Armenia confirms
    the EU's commitment to continue actively cooperating on the issue of
    well-managed and secure mobility. The EU-Armenia Mobility Partnership
    Declaration was signed in Luxembourg on 27 October 2011. Ten EU Member
    States (Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy,
    the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Sweden) are participating. The
    Mobility Partnership is expected to enhance Armenia's ability to manage
    migration and inform, integrate and protect migrants and returnees,
    as well as boost Armenia's capacity to curb irregular migration and
    human trafficking. The Joint Declaration identifies four areas for
    increased dialogue and cooperation under the headings of: (a) mobility,
    legal migration and integration; (b) migration and development;
    (c) fight against irregular immigration and trafficking in human
    beings, readmission, security of identity and travel documents,
    border management; and (d) asylum and international protection.

    Mobility partnerships are flexible and non-legally binding frameworks
    for well-managed movements of people between the EU and a third
    country. Their goal is to ensure, through dialogue and practical
    cooperation, that there is a responsible and joint management of
    migratory flows that protect the interests of the Union, of its
    partners and of the migrants themselves. They are part of the process
    of implementing the global approach to migration developed by the EU
    over the last few years.
