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ADG Launches Study Abroad Program In Karabakh

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  • ADG Launches Study Abroad Program In Karabakh


    Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

    During the ADG presentation in Glendale

    ADG: Artsakh Development Group, a non-profit, non-partisan organization
    devoted to and engaged in raising awareness in the United States on
    issues pertaining to Artsakh, launched its educational campaign.

    In October ADG organized an educational event at Cal State Dominguez
    Hills University Campus with the participation of Robert Avetisyan,
    Permanent Representative of Nagorno-Karabakh in the United States,
    who spoke briefly about Artsakh. The event launched the establishment
    of a Study Abroad Program with the University of Artsakh. An exclusive
    lunch with the university professors was followed by a lecture by Dr.

    Levon Marashlian. Attended by a great number of students and the
    general public, the event proved to be a remarkable start of the

    Dr. Marashlian presented a summary of the conflict over Artsakh from
    1991 to 2011, using numerous news reports from American, European, and
    Turkish television to support his analysis. His presentation included
    the Armenian-Azerbaijani war in the early 1990s and the ceasefire
    in 1994, the conflicting claims of the two sides and international
    mediation to reach a peace settlement, Turkish President Turgut
    Ozal's promotion of the "Goble plan" in Washington D.C., the oil
    factor and competing pipeline routes, the strategic importance of
    the South Caucasus, and the currently deadlocked peace process.

    The Study Abroad Program is anticipated to allow between 12 to 15
    Cal State students to spend a summer in Armenia or Nagorno-Karabakh
    with an opportunity to learn about history, politics, culture, and
    economy of Artsakh.

    ADG Hosts Presentation in Glendale The ADG launched its educational
    campaign. On October 9 ADG organized an educational seminar -
    Conference: "Artsakh in Today's World" - with the participation
    of Robert Avetisyan, Permanent Representative of the Republic of
    Nagorno-Karabakh in the United States.

    Conference: "Artsakh in Today's World" held at the Glendale Public
    Library, offered a multi-faceted program. The event consisted of three
    panels: History & Politics, Economy, and Cultural, each followed by a
    Q&A session. The event was a call to action for Armenian Americans to
    mobilize resources in order to raise awareness in the U.S. on issues
    pertaining to Artsakh. In his speech, the Founder and President of
    ADG, Sevak Khatchadourian, highlighted the purpose of the event:
    "Misinformation has to be addressed with your help and the help
    of this organization. This organization will be giving seminars at
    universities and raising awareness about our history, culture, and
    certainly about our rights."

    The History and Politics Panel opened with "The Academic War
    Over Karabakh: Part II" by George Bournoutian, followed by Levon
    Marashlian's "NKR From Military Victory to Diplomatic Deadlock,
    1991-2011", and concluded with Razmig Shirinian's "The Absurdity of
    Diplomacy and The Absence of Politics: The Case of Artsakh". The
    Economy panel began with "Economic Prosperity as a Cornerstone
    of Independent Artsakh" by Vladimir Shekoyan and concluded with
    "Business and Entrepreneurship in Artsakh" by Alec Baghdasaryan. The
    first two panels were moderated by the Publisher of The California
    Courier Harut Sassounian. The Cultural panel opened with moderator
    Hrayr Eulmessekian's visual piece "On Deep Background" followed by a
    photography collage from a collaborative project by Vahe Oshagan and
    Ara Oshagan "Father Land" presented by Ara Oshagan. The final speech
    "Artsakh Culture: Past and Present" was presented by Armine Alexanian,
    a representative from the Foreign Ministry of Nagorno-Karabakh who
    flew in from Artsakh specifically to participate in the Conference.

    One of the speakers, Professor Levon Marashlian, stated a fresh
    perspective, "Negotiations are deadlocked, each side claiming
    historical and legal rights, tit for tat. The Armenian side's claims
    are more valid of course, but it might help to add to the argument the
    difference between survival and prestige: for tiny Armenia, Artsakh
    is a question of survival, of life and death, for big Azerbaijan
    it is a question of prestige and national honor because the Azeris
    do not need Artsakh since they are rich with resources, swimming in
    oil-they even have caviar."

    The first of its kind, covering controversial topics on historically
    famous Artsakh, the Conference proved to be a great success. It was
    attended by close to 180 people of various age groups and backgrounds
    and was covered by several television stations. Among the guests were
    Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, The Consul General of the Republic of
    Armenia in the U.S. Grigor Hovhannissian, representatives of U.S.

    Armenian Veterans Association, and other noted members of the Armenian
    community in the United States.

    The ADG Board consists of distinguished members of the Armenian
    community in Los Angeles: Pattyl Aposhian, Gerard V. Kassabian. Esq.,
    Sevak Khatchadourian, Tamar Sinanian, and Taleen L. Tertzakian, Esq.

    For information:

    From: Baghdasarian