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President Serzh Sargsyan In Marseille Pet With The Representatives O

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  • President Serzh Sargsyan In Marseille Pet With The Representatives O


    Last night, the Mayor of Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin gave a reception
    in honor President Serzh Sargsyan, who is in Marseille on a working
    visit. The reception was attended also by the representatives of the
    Armenian community.


    Remarks by President Serzh Sargsyan at the meeting with the
    representatives of the Armenian community of Marseille

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Delegates, Members of the City Council, Dear

    I thank the Mayor of Marseille and a great friend of the Armenian
    people Jean-Claude Gaudin for this warm reception and wonderful
    gathering. Moreover, I am also thankful to him for his undying devotion
    to the Armenian people and Armenia cause.

    During each visit to the Armenian communities abroad, I am overwhelmed
    with pride because I see the measure of success that our compatriots
    have achieved.

    Marseille truly has a special role not only in the history of the
    Armenian Diaspora but also in the history of the Armenian nation. One
    of the greatest seaports of the Mediterranean, Marseille had accepted
    the exiles, the people who had gone through humane privations but
    had not lost their faith in humanity and creation.

    Many of those, who had survived the Genocide, established themselves
    in Marseille. Today, their descendants live here. Lives of your
    parents and ancestors were documented and presented artistically
    by Anri Vernoy in his movie "Mother". The first episode of the
    movie shows how destitute Armenians, who didn't have shelter above
    their heads, follow in Marseille the court proceedings over Soghomon
    Tehlirian. Every piece of news from the process in Berlin reverberated
    with the Armenians gathered at the Marseille port. And those people
    rejoiced when the news of Tehlirian's acquittal reached them. It was
    not a rapture of revenge but the rapture of justice.

    Every Armenian, no matter where he or she is - Armenia, Artsakh, or
    Spyurk, demand justice. We preach neither hatred nor revenge regardless
    of how those who deny the Armenian Genocide have been trying to lead
    us toward and compel to do that. They simply underestimate us.

    We were strong enough to survive the Great Eghern, and now, we are
    strong enough to demand justice. After the elimination of our ancestors
    in their homeland, elimination of the memories of the Armenian Genocide
    is the last phase of that horrendous crime. But we are united, and
    will never allow that.

    The progressive world is with us and the Mayor's speech, as well as
    the most recent events, has demonstrated quite clearly the position
    of France and her people regarding this issue. I would like to
    assure my compatriots that the recent visit of President Nicolas
    Sarkozy to Yerevan was a historic visit indeed, and no other state
    leader have spoken the words about our nation's pains, related to
    the Armenian-Turkish relations and the Genocide, and we should be
    grateful to the wise President of this glorious country.

    We have no doubt that Turkey will repent. It is neither a
    precondition, nor an attempt to fire revenge. Turkey must face its
    own history. Sometime, the Turkish leadership will find strength and
    will reevaluate its approaches toward the Armenian Genocide.

    Our position has not altered and it is precise: We are ready to have
    normal relations with Turkey as it befits neighboring states.

    Neighboring states such as, for instance, Poland and Germany, whose
    Chancellor Willi Brandt, realizing the crimes of his own country,
    went down on his knees in the Warsaw Ghetto.

    Sooner of later, Turkey, which views itself as a European country,
    will have a leadership which will be worthy of being called European
    and which will bow head at the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial. The sooner,
    the better, however it's a prerogative of the people of Turkey. We
    don't obligate them; they should do it for the benefit of the Turkish
    people, just as Willi Brandt did for the German people.

    Ladies and Gentlemen:

    As Mr. Mayor has said, my delegation has arrived to Marseille to
    participate at the convention of the European People's Party.

    Regardless of the anticipated and attained results, this is a
    considerable achievement on Armenia's road toward Europe. I would
    like to tell my compatriots that today the President of the European
    People's Party in the Great Hall while handing me a EPP badge said that
    we are members of the European family. It is a substantial achievement
    for us. It is also important for us that such a momentous event has
    taken place in Marseille - a city which is very dear to us.

    We have stated more than once that European direction is our priority.

    In recent years, we have registered considerable success in that area.

    European Union has not only become one of our most important partners
    in the world but also plays a significant role inside Armenia,
    assisting us in the implementation of the reforms and in strengthening
    economic and overall stability of the country.

    We are also working hard to ensure Armenia's worthy place and role
    in the pan-European structures, and it is true from the viewpoint
    of the entire political structure. Today, the political field of
    Armenia also becomes European, adopting European values, and I hope,
    the work style too.

    And with this regard also, I would like to express special thanks to
    our European partners and, particularly, to the President of France -
    a great friend of the Armenian people, for supporting our efforts.

    Who, if not the Armenians of Europe, can help us, the Motherland in
    fulfilling this task? Today, the institute of dual citizenship is
    really working. In fact, a psychological barrier, which was impeding
    many in the Diaspora, has been eliminated. I am stating with pleasure
    that many of the Diaspora Armenians are having a vivid and direct
    participation in Armenia's life. I have a little problem to articulate
    this word - Diaspora Armenian - because its sounds uncanny to me. You
    see, Armenians are Armenians, not matter where they live.

    Of course, it is not easy. It is not easy to leave familiar places
    and start something new in the native but also unfamiliar Motherland.

    Thus, it is necessary to freely and openly discuss the existing
    problems so that European rules of the game prevail in Armenia. To
    point out the faults is only half of the job. We have registered
    considerable progress but we also have well-known problems, issues. It
    is necessary to look jointly for the ways to solve them and to share
    the honor of success and of responsibility.

    We invite you all to participate in the noble work of solving
    Armenia's problems. We address our relatives in Spyurk as our family
    members. And by the right of blood we should discuss the existing
    problems together. We should discuss the problems and not shy away from
    our share of responsibility. And I am, of course, the first person,
    who's responsible for these faults. But I want you all to take part,
    to share with us the responsibility and, as I have already said,
    the honor of success.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    In conclusion, I would like to share joyous news with you. I am sure
    many of you know, but maybe not all of you: on the eve of this visit,
    I signed a decree on the establishment of the Consulate General
    of the Republic of Armenia in Marseille. From now on, Yerevan and
    Marseille will be linked by another strong brotherly bond and along
    with the traditional Armenian establishments you will have also the
    Consulate General of our country. And, I certainly thank Mr. Sirmakes
    for his participation.

    Establishment of the Consulate General in the context of close
    Armenian-French relations and versatile cooperation will make rendering
    of consular services more efficient. I would like to conclude by once
    again expressing gratitude to France and the Armenian-French community,
    residents of Marseille and, particularly, to the Armenians of Marseille
    for their attitude, their fervor and for their success because any
    Armenian, anywhere in the world, who has become successful makes
    Armenia even more recognizable. Thank you very much. I would like to
    express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Jean-Claude Gaudin for everything
    he has done and I am truly pleased to invite him to conduct a visit
    to Yerevan.
