DECEMBER 9, 2011
A number of arrangements over Javakhq issue remained in the air and
are not being implemented, MP Shirak Torosyan, who is also chairman
of the "Javakhq" Patriotic Union, told the reporters today, reminding
the arrangement reached between the education ministers of Armenia
and Georgia to restore the hours of classes of Armenian language and
literature in Armenian schools in Javakhq.
"Unfortunately, it has not been done and the Georgian side left
everything as it is: the Georgian language classes came to replace
part of the Armenian language classes. The local Armenian community
greatly values the Armenian classes," he said.
"An attempt is being made to turn the Armenian schools into bilingual
establishments and teach majority of lessons in Georgian. But the
level of knowledge of Georgian language does not allow the children
get proper knowledge," Shirak Torosyan said.
DECEMBER 9, 2011
A number of arrangements over Javakhq issue remained in the air and
are not being implemented, MP Shirak Torosyan, who is also chairman
of the "Javakhq" Patriotic Union, told the reporters today, reminding
the arrangement reached between the education ministers of Armenia
and Georgia to restore the hours of classes of Armenian language and
literature in Armenian schools in Javakhq.
"Unfortunately, it has not been done and the Georgian side left
everything as it is: the Georgian language classes came to replace
part of the Armenian language classes. The local Armenian community
greatly values the Armenian classes," he said.
"An attempt is being made to turn the Armenian schools into bilingual
establishments and teach majority of lessons in Georgian. But the
level of knowledge of Georgian language does not allow the children
get proper knowledge," Shirak Torosyan said.