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ATP Plants Nearly 250,000 Trees In Urban And Rural Communities Throu

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  • ATP Plants Nearly 250,000 Trees In Urban And Rural Communities Throu

    11:55, December 9, 2011

    Heavy snow and rapidly decreasing temperatures presented an added
    challenge to Armenia Tree Project (ATP) programs this fall. Despite
    a temporary delay in northern Armenia until the weather cleared,
    ATP was able to plant a total of 87,143 trees this season. The total
    number of trees planted by ATP in 2011 was 246,397.

    "The unpredictable weather conditions forced ATP to finish planting
    relatively early this fall. However, even during this short period,
    ATP had significant achievements in its tree planting programs,"
    notes ATP Forestry Services Manager Ani Haykuni.

    This year, ATP's SEEDS program (Social, Environmental, and Economic
    Development for Sustainability) has been maintaining previously
    planted sites to improve survival rates by clearing grass around
    thousands of seedlings that survived their first growing season and
    planting new trees.

    A total of 62,728 trees were planted this fall on community lands
    in Tsaghkaber and Jrashen in the Lori region. In spring, the SEEDS
    program planted 124,057 tree seedlings.

    "The challenges we faced this fall have mainly been related to
    weather. On the other hand, we experienced significant improvements in
    the quality and care shown by our seasonal work force," states SEEDS
    program manager Vardan Melikyan. "Since we have a group of workers
    who have been with ATP for several planting seasons, they fully grasp
    the standards of quality required by ATP in order to ensure the best
    results. Nevertheless, we constantly monitor the quality of work to
    make sure that everything meets the highest standards of quality."

    "The goal of our programs is not only to plant individual trees but
    also to support further development of planted areas as ecosystems. In
    a few decades, those planted areas will become community parks and
    forests, and will hopefully meet the needs of local residents in
    promoting community development. I believe the contribution of ATP
    to social, economic, and environmental sustainability in Armenia will
    be appreciated by future generations," adds Haykuni.

    The seedlings for ATP's reforestation programs were grown in
    the John and Artemis Mirak Nursery in Margahovit Village and in
    Backyard Nurseries in the Getik River Valley. The Backyard Nursery
    Micro-Enterprise Program has been one of ATP's poverty reduction
    initiatives since 2004.

    "In addition to large-scale reforestation, ATP has worked with local
    partners to create small 'community forests.' Villages that are located
    far from forested areas are being given attention in this program,
    since they are in need of green spaces," explains Melikyan.

    The SEEDS program provided 5,860 trees for community forests this fall,
    and plans to provide additional seedlings next year to Teghenik and
    Karenis in the Kotayk region.

    ATP's flagship Community Tree Planting (CTP) program has also
    successfully finished its fall activities. A total of 24,415 fruit
    and decorative trees were planted this season, in addition to 35,197
    planted in the spring. New communities that partnered with ATP this
    fall include the villages of Ptghunk, Agarak, Saralanj, Dzorap,
    and Ferik.

    Fruit trees have been provided for the rural communities of Aknaghbyur,
    Teghenik, and Vardenut to restore orchards and backyards of poor
    rural families. In addition, fruit trees were provided to the Fuller
    Center for Housing in order to support the program's beneficiaries
    in the Aragatsotn and Lori regions. The total harvest of fruit from
    ATP trees was 231,022 pounds from more than 200 community plantings
    sites. Varieties included apricot, cherry, wild apple, peach, and pear.

    ATP's mission is to assist the Armenian people in using trees
    to improve their standard of living and protect the environment,
    guided by the need to promote self-sufficiency, aid those with the
    fewest resources first, and conserve the indigenous ecosystem. ATP's
    three major programs are tree planting, environmental education,
    and sustainable development initiatives.
