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BAKU: 'Ridiculous' To Think Sides Can Resolve Karabakh Themselves, S

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  • BAKU: 'Ridiculous' To Think Sides Can Resolve Karabakh Themselves, S

    Dec 8 2011

    A senior presidential official has dismissed comments that Armenian
    and Azerbaijan should resolve the Karabakh conflict themselves.

    The head of the foreign relations department at the Presidential
    Administration, Novruz Mammadov, made the comments as he reviewed
    work done in 2011 to solve the conflict.

    The international community, particularly the heads of the OSCE
    Minsk Group co-chairing states, should change their position on the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Mammadov said.

    "We have witnessed all the processes of this conflict - the occupation
    of Azerbaijani lands. Having witnessed this, the West says that
    the sides should solve the problem themselves and the international
    community will support them. And this sounds ridiculous in the system
    of international relations. This cannot last long. They should take a
    clear position, and get the Armenian troops withdrawn from the occupied
    territories under the UN Security Council resolutions. If there is
    international law, it must be applied. Then the co-chairs will know
    what they need to do and take the necessary steps," Mammadov said.

    Speaking at the OSCE Ministerial Council earlier this week, ministers
    from the Minsk Group co-chairing countries - France, Russia and the
    USA - expressed regret that Azerbaijan and Armenia had been unable
    to take the "decisive step" of finalizing the basic principles,
    also known as the Madrid principles, for a settlement to the conflict.

    Novruz Mammadov blamed Armenia for the failure to make progress.

    "The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs understand very well that the talks
    and steps taken have not produced the desired results. Talks were
    initially held based on the Prague process and later based on Madrid
    principles for over seven years. There were great hopes for significant
    progress in the conflict resolution in June this year.

    "However in the course of the talks, the international community,
    the co-chairs themselves and even the Russian president, who also
    attended the talks, once again witnessed that the Armenian side uses
    various pretexts to delay the negotiating process. All proposals
    made by Armenia are unacceptable in the international community,"
    Mammadov claimed.

    "As you know, the heads of state of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing
    countries issued various statements this year. In accordance with
    these statements, the Azerbaijani side adopted the Madrid principles
    and demonstrated the will to solve the problem. Therefore, the Minsk
    Group co-chairs also believe that it is high time to take serious
    steps," he continued.

    "The co-chairs have made unfruitful visits to the region for over 20
    years. Is there is a need for this group to continue to operate if
    professional politicians from each state fail to join this process and
    take productive steps? I believe that given the above, the co-chairs
    should work to develop new and serious steps."

    Asked about Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian's remarks that
    Azerbaijan creates obstacles to monitoring in the region and that the
    status quo should be maintained, Novruz Mammadov again blamed Armenia.

    "It is commonplace for the Armenian side to make such remarks. They
    often use similar tactics to delay the negotiating process. The
    international community is also well aware that the Armenian side from
    time to time spreads such false information to disrupt the process
    to tackle the problem and puts forward unacceptable proposals.

    "Despite Armenia's statements aimed at conflict resolution, it does
    not take any steps in that direction because they do not want to. If
    the Armenian side believes that making such statements from time
    to time is useful for it, it is wrong. Perhaps some members of the
    Armenian government seek to stay in power through such methods. This
    is a great tragedy for the Armenian people. What is most ridiculous
    and absurd is that, aware of their tragedy, they remain committed to
    this," Mammadov said.
