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BAKU: Azerbaijani People'S Patience 'Running Out'

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani People'S Patience 'Running Out'

    Dec 7 2011

    A senior official has warned that the Azerbaijani people's patience
    over the Armenian occupation of Karabakh is running out.

    The chief-of-staff at the Presidential Administration, Ramiz Mehdiyev,
    made the remarks in a paper at an international conference in Baku
    on Wednesday.

    He also criticized the OSCE Minsk Group, the international body
    mediating a solution to the Karabakh conflict, and said that many
    Azerbaijanis were convinced that Armenia received tacit support.

    "The efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing states cannot be
    considered satisfactory. These states have for many years done nothing
    to put an end to Armenian aggression and free Azerbaijan's lands from
    occupation," Mehdiyev said.

    "The Azerbaijani people are sure that the Armenian occupiers enjoy
    protection behind the scenes. The Minsk Group states should bear in
    mind that the patience of the Azerbaijani people is not unlimited
    and is already running out."

    The chief-of-staff's remarks echo comments made by President Ilham
    Aliyev in a speech last month when he said that the Karabakh conflict
    would not remain frozen for long. "Azerbaijan has a strong economy,
    military potential, demographic superiority and the patience of the
    people is running out," the president said during a visit to the town
    of Gakh.

    Wednesday's conference, entitled "Twentieth Year of Independence:
    Successes Achieved and Challenges Faced on the Way to the Progressive,
    Fair and Dynamic State Building", is organized jointly by the Center
    for Strategic Studies (SAM) and the United Nations Development Program

    In his conference paper, Ramiz Mehdiyev looked in general at
    Azerbaijan's progress over the past 20 years and said that the country
    is on the threshold of a new stage in its development strategy.

    News.Az prints in full the speech of Ramiz Mehdiyev.


    "Distinguished conference participants, ladies and gentlemen,

    "The importance of today's event is that it coincides with the 20th
    anniversary of Azerbaijan's independence and is dedicated to an
    analysis of the real outcome achieved over this period.

    "Twenty years is a very small period of time in terms of the
    establishment and development of a national state. Reforms and
    fundamental, consistent changes have been implemented and great work
    has been done to build economic ties on new foundations in Azerbaijan
    since the country gained independence.

    "Working on a new development strategy of Azerbaijan, today
    we are setting out on innovative paths to ensure international
    competitiveness. The concept 'Azerbaijan 2020: looking towards the
    future', signed by President Ilham Aliyev, aims to eliminate these
    challenges. We can say that we are almost on the threshold of a new
    stage of development strategy.

    "Of course, this is the outcome and logical continuation of our
    achievements in the past 20 years. Worthy of note is that there were
    many obstacles and setbacks on this path. Located at the intersection
    of geopolitical interests, Azerbaijan has historically always been
    engaged in a struggle to maintain its independence and determine its
    own destiny, its own future. This was the case after the collapse of
    the Soviet Union too. The Azerbaijani people set out on a difficult,
    but honourable path. Against the backdrop of geopolitical struggle
    between the super powers, the military aggression by neighbouring
    Armenia, economic recession, inflation and political chaos called
    the future of the Azerbaijani state into question in the early 1990s.

    Under these circumstances, our people's lives became intolerable
    and they lost trust in the future in spite of broad economic and
    intellectual potential and natural energy resources.

    "National leader Heydar Aliyev's return to power in 1993 marked a new
    era in the contemporary history of Azerbaijan. Bringing all forces
    and people of good reason together he rescued Azerbaijan from this
    tough state of affairs and founded a new development strategy.

    Sustainable development

    "Azerbaijan's economic power has increased numerous times over the last
    20 years. It accounts for more than 80% of the economy of the South
    Caucasus and is the largest economy in the region. Economic reforms
    conducted in the country as well as privatization and liberalization
    helped Azerbaijan to create market relations and to come through the
    transition period with success.

    "Macroeconomic indicators show a level of sustainable development
    in the country's economy and point to the solid foundations on which
    future development has been built.

    "Azerbaijan has always condemned elements of 'wild capitalism'
    and struggled against it. The human factor is the essence of the
    development strategy of our state. The policy pursued in the country
    to this end impacts all spheres of our life. It is also known that
    the human factor is the major driving force of development in a
    globalizing world.

    "The call 'to transform black gold into human capital' identified by
    President Ilham Aliyev as a priority shows how sensitive we are to
    this problem.

    "If the state creates conditions for people to enhance their knowledge
    and skills in a safe environment by performing its own functions,
    this, in turn, paves the way for the development of state and society.

    We understand very well that state care for the development of the
    human factor is a guarantee of a safer future.

    "Everyone should care about the future of the planet we live on and the
    healthy lifestyles of future generations regardless of geographical
    location. The idea that the Earth is a universal treasure of each
    one of us should become the main factor in our daily lives and
    political work.

    "The economic model of Azerbaijan is based on the search for unity
    between the 'private' and 'public' and the reassessment of necessary
    intervention by the state. The state regulates economic relations
    and encourages economic growth through its own resources. The broad
    financial opportunities of Azerbaijan allow support for various spheres
    of economic activity and ensure the diversified economic development
    of the national economy.

    'Welfare' state

    "On the other hand, social-oriented intervention of the Azerbaijani
    state is a striking example of expedient steps to create a 'welfare
    state'. It has been the main priority of the socioeconomic policy
    pursued over the last 20 years to improve the living conditions of
    people, to create jobs, to reduce poverty and to provide the necessary
    living conditions for everyone.

    "This issue will be touched upon in the speeches to follow. Therefore,
    I am not going to cite statistics. But I should note that the
    development strategy founded back in 1993 has become a source of
    pride for us with its real outcomes.

    "Another important, distinguishing, feature of this period is that
    economic and political reforms have been carried out in parallel. The
    stability established since 1993 boosted economic activities, helped
    to form market economy institutions and encouraged foreigners to
    invest in various spheres of the economy, particularly the oil sector.

    Sustainable economic growth and development paved a way for successful
    political reforms, people's active involvement in politics and
    Azerbaijan's integration into European institutions.

    "Equality and freedom are possible only in societies with solid
    economic foundations and strong political will. These two factors
    allow democratic institutions in Azerbaijan to have a well-entrenched
    position and democratic framework to perform the function of the
    main regulator of political activities. Azerbaijan became an active
    member of the democratic European family back in 2001 when it joined
    the Council of Europe.

    Foreign policy

    "At the same time, a multi-faceted foreign policy course which
    incorporated features of regional geopolitical environment opened broad
    opportunities for Azerbaijan on the international arena and created new
    prospects of cooperation with states in the region. The new priorities
    required a reassessment of the resources that Azerbaijan already
    possessed so that it could benefit from them in the most efficient
    way. This allowed Azerbaijan, which had old statehood traditions,
    to become a strong regional actor and provided the opportunity to
    integrate into European institutions and the international community
    with success and to develop cooperation with partners, both distant
    and close by, based on equal rights.

    "In the meantime, the policies we pursue place new responsibility
    and obligations on us in terms of safeguarding global security and
    peace and resolving global security issues. Azerbaijan's election as
    a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council on 24 October is
    the logical outcome of the wise and far-sighted political activity
    of the head of state.


    "But the main challenge we face is military aggression by Armenia. I
    wonder how a state which is a member of the international community
    can violate the territorial integrity of another sovereign state by
    use of force and keep these lands under occupation for 19 years. This
    contradicts the principles and objectives of the UN Charter and the
    prohibition of all forms of the use of force.

    "In spite of this illegal situation, we witness stagnation on the part
    of the international community. The efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group
    co-chairing states cannot be considered satisfactory. These states
    have for many years done nothing to put an end to Armenian aggression
    and free Azerbaijan's lands from occupation. Azerbaijani people are
    sure that the Armenian occupiers enjoy protection behind the scenes.

    The Minsk Group states should bear in mind that the patience of the
    Azerbaijani people is not unlimited and is already running out.

    "However, it becomes clear from the recent history of the 20th century
    that the international community has never recognized a 'puppet'
    state formed as a result of aggression and has struggled against it.

    Otherwise, any world order, international security and mechanism to
    maintain peace are out of the question here. The current situation
    in Nagorno-Karabakh remains the major threat to the future creation
    of the fair society, peace and security that the peoples want. The
    international community needs to step up efforts, to be guided by
    the rule of law and to force Armenia to fulfill its international

    "The people living in Nagorno-Karabakh are citizens of Azerbaijan.

    Known for its progressive position in the Council of Europe, Azerbaijan
    recognizes the rights of minorities with specific features, at the
    same time maintaining national unity around single, universal values
    and ideas. Every individual in Azerbaijan can freely determine their
    ethnic identity and develop their specific features. The nation is
    a community of all citizens,regardless of their language, religion
    and ethnicity within the borders of a single state. The Armenians
    who were born in Nagorno-Karabakh and live there can act freely in
    line with Azerbaijan's commitments to the Council of Europe and UN
    and under the legislation of Azerbaijan and enjoy the rights provided
    by the Constitution of Azerbaijan.

    "But aggression and cooperation are incompatible. Armenia's aggressive
    policies and its self-isolation from regional projects have caused a
    tough economic situation in the country. Armenian people are leaving
    the country in droves to escape destitution. The economic strategy
    implemented in Azerbaijan since 1994 is continuing with success to
    this day. The 'Contract of the Century' facilitated Azerbaijan's
    integration into the world economy and emphasized its geopolitical
    importance. This is a result of far-sighted and pragmatic policies.

    "The discovery of new gas fields has boosted the export potential of
    Azerbaijan and made it one of the leading gas producers of the world.

    Today Azerbaijan has already become a main energy partner of Europe.

    At the same time, energy projects implemented in the region, including
    oil and gas pipelines and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, have made a
    particular contribution to regional cooperation. As a leading state
    in the South Caucasus, Azerbaijan has become the main driving force of
    regional cooperation. In turn, this is a striking example of effective
    statehood, strong economy and national unity in Azerbaijan.

    "In conclusion, I wish the conference success. Thank you for your
