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Baku: Mammadyarov: It Is Important Not Only To Continue The Negotiat

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  • Baku: Mammadyarov: It Is Important Not Only To Continue The Negotiat


    Dec 7 2011

    Negotiations with Russia on the Gabala Radiolocation Station is
    conducting quite intensively

    Vilnius. Victoria Dementieva-APA. APA's interview with the Azerbaijani
    Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov:

    - Mr. Minister, how the changing of co-chair of the OSCE Minsk can
    effect dynamics of the negotiation process, and in generally can
    it effect?

    - It's hard to say how will impact on the dynamics. This is a
    traditional change, it is impossible to keep the same persons as
    negotiators. French co-chairman quits after nearly seven years as
    co-chair. Therefore, in this case, the question here is how they
    represent the country?. In any case, three countries - Russia, U.S.,
    France are permanent members of UN Security Council, responsible for
    the maintenance of peace and security in the world, they are probably
    the most important countries, which should promote peace and security
    at the borders.

    - Some experts say that the elections to be held in Azerbaijan
    and Armenia in the next 2 years may have a negative impact on the
    dynamics of negotiations to resolve the conflict. In your opinion,
    there is a chance?

    - For the sake of objectivness we must recognize that elections usually
    draw their different approaches to, and not the brakes negotiations. In
    the world there is a practice that elections do not affect the fact
    that intensively promote the negotiation process. But this does not
    preclude another question. You know, there are now initiatives to
    strengthen confidence-building measures between the parties, the
    communication between the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities,
    whether in Karabakh, whether in Armenia or Azerbaijan.

    Let visit, travel, socialize. Again, it is impossible to close the
    country, it is impossible to take and"close." Therefore, in this
    case, I think it is important not only to continue the negotiations,
    but also the intensification of contacts.

    - Today in the OSCE Ministerial Council, Armenian Foreign Minister
    stated that Azerbaijan impedes the mechanism of the investigation of
    incidents of violation of the cease-fire on the frontline. How You
    can comment on it?

    - How can Azerbaijan impede, if a statement today, the heads of
    delegations of the OSCE Minsk Group and the ministers of Azerbaijan
    and Armenia say that we have agreed to make further efforts to work
    out the details of these mechanisms? Statement has already been
    accepted in Sochi at the presidential level that seeks to investigate
    the incidents. Another thing is, we first need to clarify that the
    mechanisms that such an incident. Because everything depends not only
    on the foreign ministers, with all due respect to my colleague here
    is very large military factor. Because it's not the line of contact,
    but a real "fontline", the front, where people shoot, always go to the
    shooting, dying people die, including the death of not only soldiers,
    but from our side and the civilian population. Therefore, other than
    a populist statement that can not name.

    - In the near future is expected to sign an agreement to extend the
    lease the Gabala radar station? When it we be signed?

    - In accordance with the contract, the time to renew the lease as
    long as there is, and talks are quite intensively. I do not know,
    on what result we will, in principle, but negotiations with the
    Russians conducting.

    From: A. Papazian