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ANKARA: Turkey Examines Ways To Revive Armenia Dialogue

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  • ANKARA: Turkey Examines Ways To Revive Armenia Dialogue


    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    Dec 8 2011

    As Armenia and Azerbaijan imforms the Minsk Group that they were ready
    'to meet again in the near future to have direct dialogue' Ankara
    attempts to make this an opportunity to ease relations with Armenia.

    Armenia and Azerbaijan's joint appeal to the Organization for Security
    and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) for a peaceful solution to the
    Nagorno-Karabakh problem has pushed Turkey to examine whether it
    could revive a reconciliation process with Yerevan in due course.

    Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met with his Swiss
    counterpart Micheline Calmy-Rey, who earlier mediated between Ankara
    and Yerevan to draft protocols normalizing ties, on the sidelines of
    the OSCE meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania.

    Turkey and Armenia signed two protocols in 2009 following secret
    talks under the mediation of Switzerland but failed to conclude
    the process due to Azerbaijan's strong reaction against Turkey. The
    move pushed Turkey to change its position, which made a solution of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh problem as the precondition for improving ties
    with Yerevan.

    Davutoglu's meeting aimed at measuring the pulse of Switzerland to
    see whether it would like to play the same role again if Armenia
    and Azerbaijan took progressive steps in solving their dispute of
    two decades. Sources said the Swiss took note of Davutoglu's appeal
    and will evaluate it on the basis of developments concerning the
    Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

    Turkey is under serious pressure from the United States to take steps
    to mend ties with Armenia as a strong Armenian diaspora in the U.S.

    continues to urge Washington to recognize the 1915 incidents as
    "genocide." Vice President Joe Biden said a strong anti-Turkey
    coalition has been formed in the U.S., with the Greek and Israeli
    diasporas joining the Armenian diaspora-led chorus. There are concerns
    that a fresh attempt for recognition of genocide at the Senate would
    be approved by U.S. lawmakers as the presidential election looms.

    Joint move by Armenia and Azerbaijan

    Davutoglu was prompted to hold an unannounced meeting with his Swiss
    counterpart following a meeting between Armenian and Azeri foreign
    ministers, Edward Nalbandian and Elmar Mammadyarov, with foreign
    ministers of the OSCE Minsk Group countries - Russia, France and the
    U.S - in Vilnius.

    According to the statement released by the OSCE, Nalbandian and
    Mammadyarov informed the Minsk Group their presidents were ready
    "to meet again jointly in the near future under the auspices of the
    Co-Chair countries to continue their direct dialogue, building upon
    recent experience, on how to bring peace, stability, and prosperity
    to their peoples."

    The Minsk Group countries have urged the two countries to finalize the
    Basic Principles for the Peaceful Settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Conflict. The two countries have agreed further efforts should be
    made to work on the details of the procedure applied to investigate
    ceasefire violations.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress