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Human Rights EXPO 2011 In Yerevan

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  • Human Rights EXPO 2011 In Yerevan

    10.12.2011 15:44

    Human Rights EXPO 2011 took place at the Sports and Concert Complex
    after Karen Demirchyan. Speaking at the event, Armenian Human Rights
    Defender Karen Andreasyan said, in part:

    "Dear guests,

    With the aim of celebrating the International human rights day, we have
    initiated this exhibition, which differs from other EXPOs also due
    to the fact that we are exhibiting not our success and achievements,
    but stressing the difficulties, failures, pains and acute problems
    of our society.

    Summing up the year 2011 we would like to present some positive and
    negative developments from the point of view of the Human Rights
    Defender proficiency.

    Many of you are aware of my public initiative of requesting the
    initiation of disciplinary proceedings for 3 judges. Yesterday the
    Justice Minister expressed his solidarity to respective highest
    judicial body and I received final rejections with regard to all the
    three cases. This is my biggest disappointment in 2011.

    Continuing to sum up the developments for 2011 I would like to
    inform that that most part of the grounded complaints addressed
    to our institution refer to the wrong calculation of a pension and
    deprivation from the right of getting a family pension.

    The highest number of positive solutions to the complaints addressed
    to us were given from the RA Ministry of Defense.

    Our legislative proposals were mostly accepted by the RA Ministry of
    Health and the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

    The most improper and unacceptable response to our public criticism
    we received from the RA Ministry of Education and Science. However,
    we positively evaluate the fact that the Ministry, even after such
    a response, undertook regulation of the formation of textbooks'
    evaluation thematic committees.

    The greatest support from State bodies was our financial bid's uphold
    by the National Assembly during 2012 budget discussion.

    For promoting our financial independence and for making our
    extra-budget independent from the RA Government's confirmation we are
    grateful to the RA Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and RA
    the Finance Minister."

    From: A. Papazian