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Azerbaijani Top Official: Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Must Be Discusse

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  • Azerbaijani Top Official: Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Must Be Discusse


    Dec 9 2011

    The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict must be discussed at the UN when
    Azerbaijan starts its activity in the UN Security Council, the Head
    of the Foreign Relations Department at the Azerbaijani Presidential
    Administration Novruz Mammadov said.

    "The issue of discussing the situation in Azerbaijani territories under
    Armenian occupation has been included in the agenda of the UN General
    Assembly," Mammadov said in an interview with the official website
    of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party. "Expressing a specific position
    at any time, we will make every effort to discuss it. But I think
    this will not be purposeful, if we do this in December 2011. In this
    sense, I think that it would be better if we wait a bit. I believe
    that it would be better if we raise the issue in the organization
    when Azerbaijan launches its activity in the UN Security Council."

    Azerbaijan was elected a member of the UN Security Council for 2012
    - 2013 in October 2011. About 155 countries supported Azerbaijan,
    by assessing it as a worthy member of the independent, fair and
    global community.

    Regarding the opportunity of expecting any changes in the process of
    the conflict settlement, Mammadov said that it is very difficult to
    say anything concrete about this.

    "The reason is that certain processes are expected to occur in
    co-chairing countries next year. Europe and the world have some
    problems, in particular, the financial crisis. Moreover, the Armenian
    side is always looking for an excuse to delay the conflict settlement.

    But I think that the international community and the OSCE are
    responsible for this. How is it possible not to make any step forward
    in connection with the conflict lasting over 20 years? This is wrong.

    In this case, the OSCE also loses faith in itself."

    The 20th anniversary of the establishment of the OSCE Minsk Group
    will be marked in 2012.

    Mammadov said that the co-chairing countries must think that the
    steps taken against small Armenia in connection with this issue do
    not give any results.

    "We must think about this," he said. "I think that whatever processes
    are available, we must see the intensity in the negotiations."

    Regarding the elections expected to be held in co-chairing countries
    and Armenia next year and that some experts think that this factor
    may create stagnation in the negotiation process, Mammadov said that
    Armenia is always looking for an excuse to delay in the negotiation

    "One of the means of delaying the negotiation process is the
    stagnation," he said. "Therefore, I think that the Armenians may use
    these excuses. But how much patience must Azerbaijan have when the
    Armenians use these excuses? Sooner or later we will liberate our
    land from occupation. We demonstrate great will for this and try to
    resolve the conflict through negotiations."

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
    when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian
    armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan since 1992,
    including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding districts.

    Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994.

    The co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, France, and the U.S. -
    are currently holding the peace negotiations.

    Armenia has not yet implemented the U.N. Security Council's four
    resolutions on the liberation of the Nagorno-Karabakh and the
    surrounding regions.

    Novruz Mammadov'statement can be also followed on his personal Twitter
    page at / NovruzMammadov

    From: A. Papazian