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Armenian Supporters Skeptical Of Ties Between Turkey, Indian Tribes

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  • Armenian Supporters Skeptical Of Ties Between Turkey, Indian Tribes

    Michael Doyle

    Miami Herald
    Dec 9 2011

    WASHINGTON - The perennial political fighting between
    Armenian-Americans and Turkey has migrated to Indian country.

    In a diplomatically creative but controversial move, Turkey wants
    preferential access to start commercial ventures on selected U.S.

    tribal lands. In theory, tribes would get business and Turkey would
    gain friends.

    "We're trying to build bridges with other communities," G. Lincoln
    McCurdy, the president of the Turkish Coalition of America, said in
    an interview. "If this works, it would be good for everybody."

    But not everybody thinks so. Lawmakers in states with large
    Armenian-American populations, such as California and New Jersey, think
    a legislative proposal that's now before the House of Representatives
    extends an undeserved favor to a country still associated with a
    long-ago slaughter.

    "We could not let that pass ... without some acknowledgment of the
    Armenian genocide," Rep. Jim Costa, D-Calif., said Friday.

    The bill in question would allow six Indian tribes to lease land to
    Turkish companies without securing the usual, often time-consuming
    Bureau of Indian Affairs approvals. The tribes would be selected
    competitively by the Interior Department, and would develop their
    own guidelines for leasing land him.

    In this Capitol Hill fight, regional loyalties and ethnic politics
    could matter more than party lines.

    When the House Natural Resources Committee approved the legislation
    Nov. 17 on a 27-15 vote, Costa and Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Calif.,
    united in opposition. The Democrat and the Republican represent
    portions of California's Central Valley, which is heavily populated
    by Armenian-Americans.

    On the other side, bill supporter Republican Rep. Don Young is a
    longtime champion of his home state's Alaska Natives. The bill's
    author, conservative Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., is a member of the
    Chickasaw. Another supporter, liberal Democratic Rep. Jay Inslee of
    Washington state, is running for governor in that state, which is
    home to 103,000 American Indians.

    Like much that happens on Capitol Hill, the bill dubbed the Indian
    Tribal Trade and Investment Demonstration Project Act of 2011 rides
    atop multiple motives. It now goes to the full House for a vote.

    "It definitely broadens (Turkey's) political base," McCurdy said,
    "and it increases the opportunity for Turkish companies to establish
    operations in this country."

    A broader political base, in turn, could aid Turkey in recurring
    Capitol Hill conflicts with Armenian-Americans. In raw population,
    Armenian-Americans widely outnumber Turkish-Americans. Turkey, though,
    enjoys considerable high-level clout as an important NATO country.

    Nearly every year, these competing forces are on display as lawmakers
    press for an Armenian genocide resolution that takes note of the
    massacres that took place during the Ottoman Empire's dying days. The
    resolution routinely fails but keeps coming back; this year's version
    has 84 House co-sponsors.

    It's in this context that the Native American investment bill reflects
    Turkey's cultivation of tribes.

    Over the past two years, Turkey has sponsored a number of visits by
    Indian leaders. In November 2010, for instance, it hosted some 20
    Native Americans for a week, including representatives of Idaho's
    Coeur d'Alene Tribe and Washington state's Confederated Tribes of
    the Colville Reservation.

    "This is the first foreign country that has shown interest in investing
    with - cooperation with - a tribe to improve their economic lot,"
    Young said at the House committee hearing Nov. 17.

    In a similar vein, Turkish universities sponsor scholarships for
    Native American students, and Turkish officials have met with Indian
    leaders in Los Angeles and Seattle. Last March, a top Turkish Trade
    Ministry official became the first foreign representative to speak at
    an annual Las Vegas conference on Native American economic development.

    "I have no idea why they're being so nice to Native Americans," Rep.

    Frank Pallone, D-N.J., said during the House hearing. "I'm sure there's
    some bad underlying reason or something that they're trying to gain."

    From: Baghdasarian