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Flagging Results In Armenia'S Communities: Map Of The World Bank Cou

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  • Flagging Results In Armenia'S Communities: Map Of The World Bank Cou


    ENP Newswire
    December 8, 2011 Thursday

    Release date- 07122011 - If you want to look into what the World
    Bank does in the regions and communities of Armenia look no further,
    visit the World Bank Armenia website and click on the MAP of Armenia
    Portfolio of Projects featured on the Home page.

    Prepared under the South Caucasus Results Grant Fund, the online map
    displays the achievements of the projects supported by the Bank and
    their geographic locations across Armenia.

    The projects are grouped under four sectors-Infrastructure/Sustainable
    Development, Private Sector, Public Sector/Governance, and Social/Human
    Development. Clicking on a sector name opens the list of projects
    implemented under that sector. Additionally, each project name on
    the list is an active link connected to the project file on the World
    Bank Armenia website.

    'E-mapping Armenia's portfolio will help users better locate and
    visualize the Bank in action on the ground,' said Jean-Michel Happi,
    World Bank Armenia Country Manager. 'The open access to data on
    results will be an added measure in improving the effectiveness of
    our projects and enhancing the coordination of international aid
    programs at both national and local levels.'

    The online map of Armenia projects features eleven
    administrative-territorial units, comprising ten marzes (regions)
    and the capital city Yerevan. The map visitor can double-click on a
    region from the general map, or choose the name of the region from the
    left navigator. Further, under each sector, one can check the ongoing
    or completed boxes, or both. These two subcategories indicate whether
    a particular project activity has been completed or is still ongoing.

    To illustrate, click on Tavush region. For a broad exhibit of results,
    check all the boxes for completed and ongoing subcategories. Go down to
    Berd community and point the cursor on the pink flag displayed on it
    (each sector has its designated color), and you will see the names of
    the projects implemented in Berd town under that sector, as follows:
    'BERD, Urban Heating Project (UHP), Lifeline Roads Improvement Project
    (LRIP), Access to Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises (AFSME).'

    What is most important in terms of illustrating results on the ground
    is that each community flagged on the map and each activity in a
    flagged community has its own project activity profile. Double-click
    on any of the flags placed on a community of your choice to learn
    details about the project in the chosen town or village-such as the
    project name, type of activity, amount spent for that activity, project
    approval and closing dates, implementing partner and the project's
    development objective. One will also see a link to the project page
    on the World Bank Armenia website and the project one-pager attached.

    The online map of projects is targeted to diverse audiences - the staff
    of the government ministries and agencies, Project Implementation Units
    (PIUs), regional and local governments, NGOs/CSOs, media, students,
    researchers, and public at large.

    'The Armenia Social Investment Fund Project, widely known as ASIF,
    has been implemented for the last 15 years. We have completed about 800
    micro-projects in 83 urban and 330 rural communities covering all the
    regions of Armenia, with a total of 2.9 million beneficiaries1,' said
    Ashot Kirakosyan, Director of the Armenia Social Investment Fund PIU.

    'Quite often our constituencies want to know what exactly we have been
    doing in the country and where. This map now serves as an excellent
    visual and factual tool for us in demonstrating the Fund's specific
    activities in Armenia's villages and towns.'

    Of the current fourteen active projects supported by the Bank, nine
    are implemented mostly in the regions of Armenia, outside of Yerevan,
    the rest have nation-wide impact (these too are featured on the online
    map). Thus, the geographic reach of the projects supported by the Bank,
    displayed through the map, is impressive-it shows that the World Bank
    is very much present in all regions of Armenia-with tangible results.
