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Armenian language to get more support in Poland

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  • Armenian language to get more support in Poland, Armenia
    Dec 10 2011

    Armenian language to get more support in Poland

    December 11, 2011 | 00:20

    WARSAW. - The Committee of Ministers of the European Union called
    Poland to increase the use of the language of the national minorities
    at schools, on radio and TV on local and regional level, Nouvelles
    dArménie reports.

    Having accepted the first independent expert report on the
    implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority
    Languages the Committee called to qualify teachers and offer school
    education on the languages of the national minorities. In the
    meantime, broadcasting on languages of regional or minority groups
    should be increased.

    The Committee also stated the necessity to apply the Charter regarding
    lesser used languages, such as the Armenian language.
