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Ruben Melkonyan: Bagis Statement Goes Beyond The Limits Of Diplomati

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  • Ruben Melkonyan: Bagis Statement Goes Beyond The Limits Of Diplomati

    Anna Balyan

    13.12.2011 16:18

    "Turkey, which considers itself a European county, will sooner or
    later have leaders, who will bow their heads in Tsitsernakaberd." This
    statement of Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan stirred concerns in
    Turkey. The first reaction came from State Minister for European
    Affairs Egemen Bagis.

    "His message was comprised of a group of slang words. It seems the
    author of the words was to be the most European Minister of Turkey. We
    see, however, that the illiterate nomadic blood speaks for itself, and
    even the most European Minister is unable to overcome this complex,"
    political scientist Ruben Melkonyan told a press conference today.

    Turkey's chief negotiation on EU accession talks Egemen Bagis "boasts"
    of having imposed a blockade on the neighbor country. BagıÅ~_ said
    that Armenian people did not remain strong due to poverty and hunger,
    adding that the population of Armenia dropped from four million to
    two million as Armenians migrated to other countries. He noted that
    even some Armenians were working in Turkey which showed the sincerity
    of Turks.

    Deputy Dean of the Oriental Studies Department of the Yerevan state
    University Ruben Melkonyan says the street language that goes beyond
    the limits of diplomatic ethic, is peculiar of the Turkish political
    elite. "At the same we see a number of officials stating about the
    willingness of Turkey to establish diplomatic relations with Armenia,"
    he said.

    The Turkish political machine is irritated, and this is mostly because
    of the obvious mistrust of the Western officials in their statements
    on the Armenian-Turkish reconciliation. In particular, the words of
    Hilary Clinton, Nicolas Sarkozy and Joe Biden have made Turkey lose
    self-control. According to Ruben Melkonyan, the statements of Bagis
    are addressed to the above-mentioned officials.

    A similar statement was made today by Speaker of the Turkish Grand
    National Assembly Cemil Cicek. He linked the normalization of the
    Armenian-Turkish relations to the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

    Ruben Melkonyan says that the recent actions of Turkey are directed
    against their own state. The political scientist is confident that
    the Armenian authorities will react to Bagis statement and this ill
    have negative consequences for Turkey.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress