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RA Appeals Court Rules In Favor Of Global Gold Mining

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  • RA Appeals Court Rules In Favor Of Global Gold Mining


    09:54, December 13, 2011

    On December 12, 2011 the RA Court of Appeals issued a decision
    affirming a July 29, 2011 Armenian court verdict which ruled that
    Caldera Resources, Inc.'s ("Caldera") registration and assumption of
    control through unilateral charter changes of the Marjan Mine and
    Marjan Mining Company, LLC were illegal and that ownership rests
    fully with Global Gold Mining, LLC (a wholly owned subsidiary of
    Global Gold Corporation).

    In 2009, Global Gold announced a joint venture with Caldera Resources
    Inc. regarding Marjan.

    Global Gold Corporation (GGC) is a US-based international gold mining,
    development, and exploration company with mining properties in Armenia
    and Chile. In Armenia, the company owns and operates the Toukhmanuk
    Property, the Getik Property (Gegharkunik), and Marjan (Syunik)

    The Marjan Gold-Silver-Polymetallic deposit is located in Armenia,
    some 28 km south-west of the village of Sisian and a 6 hour drive
    from the capital, Yerevan. Global Gold, through its wholly owned
    subsidiary Global Gold Haknavan LLC, holds a twenty-five year
    "special mining license" for the Marjan property. The license was
    issued April 22, 2008 and expires April 22, 2033. The license area
    covers approximately 18.5km2.

    In late August, 2010, Global learned that Caldera had circumvented
    the agreement to unilaterally and illegally register changes to
    the Armenian project company's charter to Global's detriment. Such
    changes could only have been made with the signature of one of three
    authorized Global officers. Caldera was somehow able to register
    changes without Global's consent or knowledge. Without even advising
    Global that it had made those changes to take control, Caldera tried
    to have Global sign a resolution that would have authorized Caldera's
    illegal acts. Global refused.

    After a detailed notice sent on September 2, 2010 and attempts to
    work out a solution failed, Global filed an action in the appropriate
    Armenian court to rescind the illegal registration on September 22,
    2010, and terminated the joint venture with Caldera on October 7, 2010.
