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March 1 And Foreign Special Services

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  • March 1 And Foreign Special Services

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 12:32:58 - 13/12/2011

    Yesterday, the March 1 topic was "refreshed", and ostensibly it may
    be used in the election campaign.

    The March 1 cases have been sent to the European Court on Human
    Rights, and the Court may start hearing them at any moment. During
    this process, certain facts may be approved and may have an impact
    on the scenario of home political developments. Particularly, if
    the participation of bodyguards of the oligarchs, including Gagik
    Tsarukyan, in the actions against peace protesters is revealed, it
    could be the last argument in the "competition" of the Republican
    Party and Bargavach Hayastan Party.

    Yesterday the ex and present Chairmen of the March 1 Investigative
    Group stated that about 500 people have been interrogated. It was
    also stated that in the nearest future, a report on the activities
    in the last four years fulfilled by the Group will be released. This
    report may unveil participation of one person or another in the March
    1 clampdown.

    But apparently the revelation of March 1 has not only home political
    but also international significance. The Armenian officials have
    already stated that Armenia is not so strong to reveal such a crime.

    But the fact that PACE also tried to close the March 1 page, being
    satisfied with the amnesty, proves the revelation of the case is
    fraught with an international scandal.

    The point is that still in May, the ex-Chairman of the Group Vahan
    Harutyunyan stated that it is impossible to reveal the 10 murders
    resulting from the clampdown on the participation of thousands of
    people in Yerevan downtown. The bullets, extracted from corpses,
    as well as more than 1700 cartridge cases found in Mashtots Avenue,
    Paronyan, Grigor Lusavorich streets, according to the Chief of the
    Group, were compared to the police armament and no matches were found.

    It stems from Harutyunyan's statement that the bullets were fired by
    the militaries of the Defense Ministry or unknown armed groups were
    deployed in Armenia.

    The last episode is especially interesting. It turns out that some
    foreign troops invaded Armenia, went to Paronyan and Lusavorich streets
    and killed 10 and escaped immediately, being sure that all suspicions
    will fall on the acting authorities. In fact, so it happened, and
    according to the opposition, the president then Robert Kocharyan is
    responsible for the murders.

    Kocharyan stated a couple of months ago that the murders have
    nothing to do with the emergency situation declared by him because
    the murders were not committed where the opposition gathered and
    where the situation was controlled by the police, but in a completely
    different place. Kocharyan, actually, said plainly that the murders
    are committed by foreign forces.

    What foreign troops could intervene in Armenia and commit a terrorist
    act? Russia comes to mind first because the press reported about the
    presence of Russian Special Forces in Armenia. But it has not been
    proven yet.

    Actually, the revelation of the March 1 events tries to tempt someone
    to name the foreign forces. They will name the forces only in case
    concrete people are accused.

    Will these details be revealed during the hearings at the European
    Court? Or will the court just rule compensation to the families of
    the victims.

    From: A. Papazian