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Why Are Orphanages Terrible? Recollections Of Former Armenian Studen

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  • Why Are Orphanages Terrible? Recollections Of Former Armenian Studen

    by Hasmik Hambardzumyan
    Dec 15 2011

    This is the latest in a series of articles on orphanages in the country
    of Armenia, in which the recollections of former students are retold.

    "I felt myself very lonely." A graduate of Lichk asylum in Meghri
    marz of Armenia Artak Sargsyan recollects his entering adult life at
    a distance of 30 years. He and his two sisters found themselves in the
    orphanage in 1979, when they lost their parents. Artak at first lived
    in orphanage in the town of Gavar, Gekarkunik marz. However, a few
    years later he was moved to Meghri. Four years after it was opened,
    the Lichk orphanage was closed as it did not meet the expectations of
    Soviet authorities to complement population of Meghri with children
    from an orphanage. The graduates of Lichk argue that just few of them
    have received apartments in Meghri and live there until now.

    In Armenia, the children from orphanages are treated with a certain
    stigma; people either feel sorry for them or do not trust them.

    Sometimes, they just reject them. "The felling of rejection always
    accompanied me", Artak recalls.

    In general, who is the child from an orphanage? The students in an
    orphanage argue that they are just like all the other children in
    everything. Their feelings and their perceptions are the same, just
    like all the others they start with not what the adults want to get
    from them, but with how they sense the world around them.

    To respond to the question of who the orphanage kid is, first one
    should realize what this child is deprived of. It will not be correct
    to say that the child lacks communication with people. To say that the
    child lacks communication with other children would not be true either,
    since these children do not have a lack of communication with other
    children. What these children lack is the mother and the sense of
    proximity, by which we understand the relatives and the world around
    them. This world suggests communication based on preferences ---
    I want to talk to these relatives and I do not want to communicate
    with those, suggests communication with the street as of caprice,
    when the mother has to feed the kid but he is running out into the
    garden to play with others. This is to say a kid from an orphanage
    is someone who does not have opportunity to choose and their feelings
    are shaped, so to say, within limited choice.

    "If I had felt the tenderness and caressing by my parents, that would
    give me power, would be my support. Separation from a family creates
    a stress in a child. The feeling of missing accompanies the person
    all throughout the lifetime, the child is not self-confident in this
    respect, the natural distraction often brings about the sense of
    hopelessness, results in psychological declines for the person ---
    there are no parents", Artak recollects his situation from the past.

    After all, the orphanage child is not destined to feel the aura which
    creates the childhood of a person, to bring an example, when a child
    growing in a family wants a candy, the mother will provide this candy
    at any cost. And if she cannot buy it, she feels pain in her heart,
    and her only mother's look can replace the lack of candy for a kid.

    The child from an orphanage has never seen that look, has not
    sensed it.

    Gagik Shamshyan, a well-known photo correspondent in Armenia,
    was left by his mother 41 years ago when he was just three months
    old. "When I used to ask my teachers about my mother, father, they
    would either tell me I was born from a red apple, or under the walls
    of the orphanage building," he recollects 25 years after leaving the
    orphanage. "There are no illegal children, there are illegal parents".

    This is a nail in one of the papers written by him when a child. His
    teachers in the orphanage tried to compensate for the caring of mother,
    absent from his life --- comrade Lusja and comrade Vera.

    Later, when he with great difficulty managed to find his mother, meet
    with her, he realized: "each time I saw her I remembered the orphanage,
    the teachers, comrade Lusja and comrade Vera, I was missing them".

    Writer and journalist Mher Arshakyan, who left an orphanage 22 years
    ago, describes the location where the abandoned kids live: "Orphanage
    is the creation of those mothers who had seen their child. This is
    to say the orphanage begins for a kid after the mother looks into the
    child's eyes. The orphanage is the opposite of a mother. This is the
    reason that an orphanage is so terrible".

    According to him, a child from an orphanage will never learn what a
    mother is, this child will not be a son or a daughter, in the chain
    of responsibilities towards the environment some natural values will
    be missing - parents and relatives. "And there is just a small hope,
    that on his/her path of life the child will realize that no matter
    how mother's love is needed, she should not be condemned, as there is
    not a single sin in the world not worthy of forgiveness," he writes
    in one of his works.
