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France Guilty Of 'Middle Ages' Mindset Over Armenia: Turkey

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  • France Guilty Of 'Middle Ages' Mindset Over Armenia: Turkey


    Al-Ahram Online
    Dec 15 2011

    The French National Assembly will debate a proposed law to criminalise
    Ankara's denial of the Armenian genocide amid Turkish criticisms of
    France's 'Middle Ages' mentality

    Turkey's foreign minister has blasted France for promulgating a
    "Middle Ages" mentality ahead of a French parliament debate on a
    proposal to criminalise the denial of the "genocide" of Armenians.

    "If this proposal is legislated, France will pioneer the return of
    a Middle Ages mindset to Europe," Ahmet Davutoglu told the Turkish
    parliament late Wednesday, Anatolia news agency reported.

    France's move would "create a new dogma about understanding history,
    to forbid alternative thoughts. This is the mentality of the Middle
    Ages. The adoption of this mindset in France is the greatest danger
    for Europe," Davutoglu said.

    Armenians say up to 1.5 million of their people were killed during
    World War I by forces belonging to Turkey's erstwhile Ottoman Empire.

    Turkey refuses to call the 1915-16 killings a genocide and says 300,000
    to 500,000 Armenians, and at least as many Turks, died when Armenians
    rose up and sided with invading Russian forces.

    The French National Assembly will on Thursday next week debate a
    proposed law that would punish the denial of genocide with penalties
    of a year in jail and a fine of 45,000 euros ($58,000).

    Ahead of the debate, Turkey's parliament will send a delegation,
    led by its foreign affairs committee chief Volkan Bozkir, to Paris
    from Monday to Wednesday, to explain the damage the law would cause
    for bilateral ties, said a Turkish parliamentary source.

    Davutoglu told Turkish lawmakers it was "out of the question to leave
    unanswered an attempt by any country leader, government or parliament
    to dishonour our country and nation."

    The French National Assembly will on Thursday next week debate a
    proposed law that would punish the denial of genocide with penalties
    of a year in jail and a fine of 45,000 euros ($58,000).

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy has called on Turkey to recognise
    the killings as genocide and in the past promised his country's
    large Armenian community to support a law criminalising the denial
    of a genocide.
