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Businesswoman: To Be Respected In Armenia One Must Work At Least At

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  • Businesswoman: To Be Respected In Armenia One Must Work At Least At


    Thursday, December 15, 16:25

    Armenian businesswoman Silva Hambartsoumyan told media Thursday if
    Syunik Governor Surik Khachatryan decides to run for the parliament,
    she will nominate her candidature in the same electoral district
    with him.

    Hambratsoumyan said she has no desire to go into politics, but she
    is ready to reveal the true moral portrait of the government by all
    means possible.

    Silva Hambartsoumyan disagreed with the opinion that her conflict with
    the Syunik governor is a pre- election PR-campaign. She has all the
    necessary resources to go into politics in case of desire, she said.

    Commenting on the decision of the Special Investigation Commission
    to stop the criminal case over her beating by Governor Khachatryan,
    the business lady said is satisfied with the given decision as such
    man as Khachatyan repented of his actions.

    Nevertheless, she is discontented with the fact that statesmen are
    punished only for a conflict with the presidential administration. "It
    turns out that to be respected, one must work at least at the
    presidential administration", she said. The businesswoman, hereby,
    hinted at the last year's incident between ex-mayor of Yerevan Gagik
    Beglaryan and the employee of the Armenian president's administration
    that led to Beglaryan's resignation.

    To recall, Special Investigation Service of Armenia has detected no
    "criminal actions" in Syunik Governor Suren Khachatryan's slap in
    businesswoman Silva Hambartsoumyan's face.

    Completing the preliminary investigation over the incident between
    the governor and businesswomen in line with the with Article 118
    of the Criminal Code of Armenia (beating), the SIS has arrived at
    a resolution that Hambartsoumyan and Khachatryan had unfriendly
    relations. Hambartsoumyan got a slap in her face by Khachatryan on
    November 14 at Armenia-Marriott Hotel cafe. The businesswoman refused
    to undergo forensic examination, for she got no bodily injuries. All
    this was fixed by the video recorders and confirmed by witnesses.

    Khachatryan said in his testimonies that he regrets for this deed.

    Considering all the above circumstances, the above incident contains
    no criminal actions stipulated by Article 118. In fact, on Dec 12
    2011 the criminal case was cancelled.

    The relations of Hambartsoumyan and Khachatryan have became tense
    because of the business woman's entrepreneurships in Syunik region.

    Hambartsoumyan has disputed the decision of the Minister of Energy
    and Natural Resources of Armenia to deprive her company Sipan-1 of
    the license for exploitation of Lichkvaz-Teys deposit in Meghri. The
    minister has set the right to exploitation of the deposit to auction
    and Sagamar Company belonging to Govenror Surik Khachatryan has
    bought it. Hambartsoumyan says the governor has stolen the equipment
    of Sipan-1 in the amount of 102 mln drams and the case has been at
    the prosecutor's office for already two years.
