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Aznavour Bristled. Me Too (2)

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  • Aznavour Bristled. Me Too (2)

    Jean Eckian
    jeudi 15 decembre 2011


    I have long railed against Aznavour. By the time he attended to the
    indecency President Kocharian and now when he is willing to concede
    to Turkey not to appoint as genocide the events of 1915 if the word
    is an obstacle to their recognition of the facts.

    But now these days, the old volcano Aznavour seems to wake from a long
    sleep patriotic. As if the sacred fire of youth he was suddenly back.

    Discerned. He bursts into harsh words against the Armenian mafia is
    taking the country gangrene. Output that can not be more honorable if
    Parker had the honesty to recognize that the mafia is bound up with
    the power in that it allows itself the best share of the market and
    allows the oligarchs to get rich indecency.

    The President in his film, Henri Verneuil, in the words of Jean
    Gabin, denounced the conflict of interest enjoyed by some members,
    thus betraying the ideals of a republican politics to serve the nation.

    This film is much to say to Armenia politician since the deputies to
    the Assembly their interests much more than the Armenians. The social
    state of Armenia today speaks volumes about the consequences of such
    a practice.

    The last stroke of anger Aznavour date recently. In an interview with
    Russian magazine Life of Showbiz, taking the word which reach the
    Armenians when they speak of a disaster, that he would have described
    the emigration of the young Armenian "genocide house." Even after his
    withdrawal, the expression coming from Aznavour, Armenia's official
    representative in Switzerland, blows to the ears of both the accused
    and resigned.

    The defendants? The whole gang of government, starting with the
    president as that prefers open consulates and travel abroad rather
    than struggling with reforms to clean up the social climate of the
    country. For despite the declarations of intent, Armenia, as it is
    today, to shame. It shames all Armenians Democrats because it is a
    country that floats on a sea of â~@~Kâ~@~Knonsense without a name. A
    country at war where the soldier died by his own people killed. A
    country that thinks and lives only by flight. A country where every
    citizen is the victim of another as he is himself predator. A country
    where children are hungry. A country that s'anémie every day. A
    country in free fall, in a situation of permanent suicide while the
    palaver to save going well here and there, in Armenia or in Diaspora.
