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Overdue Recognition For Andreas Roubian

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  • Overdue Recognition For Andreas Roubian

    Posted on December 16, 2011

    Andreas Roubian receives a medal from Karabagh President Bako Sahakian.
    By Hagop Vartivarian

    NEW YORK -More than 20 years ago, a handful of New Yorkers, largely
    young Armenians, inspired by the Karabagh liberation movement, created
    the Karabagh Committee. They set to work in the American-Armenian
    community to educate and raise awareness about the plight of the
    Armenians in Karabagh. Part of the scope of the committee's work was
    securing substantial financial donations to aid victims of the war
    and to assist the movement.

    The Karabagh Committee worked tirelessly, gathering support from
    Armenians from various countries and all walks of life. This work
    of unifying the community for a cause was met with great success as
    they received support not only from major philanthropists, but on
    the grassroots level.

    One of the young and dedicated organizers living in New Jersey,
    Andreas Roubian, came to be the leader of this group of heroes,
    and his home became the site of the meetings for years. Meetings
    with influential representatives from Armenia, Karabagh, the US and
    Russia, as well as with American-Armenian activists, also took place
    at Roubian's home. In addition to the meetings, collection campaigns
    and social gatherings were organized by the committee.

    While it is not possible to make any comparison with the youth of
    Karabagh and Armenia fighting for the liberation of Karabagh at
    the cost of their own lives, the work of the Karabagh Committee of
    New York, including the large sums it raised and sent to Karabagh,
    should be recognized, as well as their raising of awareness, which
    provided significant aid and comfort to this same youth as well as
    essential aid to victims of the fighting. At a time in which the
    Soviet Union was in its death throes, this support was a lifeline,
    and praise is due to the Armenian-American patriots who pressed on.

    In addition to the financial support, many of the committee members,
    including Roubain, risked their own lives to travel in this war-torn
    region in order to ensure aid was being properly utilized. He
    also documented on film frontline activities which were presented
    to capacity crowds in the greater New York area. Without a doubt,
    one day, in order to do justice to the great work done by these men,
    the activities of the Karabagh Committee will be written down in the
    annals of history.

    Roubian, who is of Evangelical faith, became the benefactor of the
    Ghazanchetots Sourp Asdvadzadzin Cathedral of Shushi. He personally
    supervised and financed its reconstruction. The cathedral was dedicated
    to the memory of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Zaven Roubian.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this was the first Armenian
    church to be resurrected on Armenian lands, and it became a good
    example for the future benefactors of the Armenian Diaspora or homeland
    to follow.

    During this year's visit to the US, and on the occasion of the 20th
    anniversary of the independence of Artsakh, two awards were presented
    to Roubian by Karabagh President Bako Sahakian. These awards were to
    honor his patriotism and philanthropy from the onset of the liberation
    movement through the subsequent 20 years. The prestigious medal of
    Vachagan Parebashd and a proclamation of recognition under the Artsakh
    Constitution were both presented to Roubian during the ceremony.

    The kind words of Ambassador Garen Nazarian, the United Nations
    representative of the Republic of Armenia, were particularly touching
    at a November 18 reception in the embassy during the visit of Sahakian
    to New York, where Roubian was given the medal and proclamation.

    Well-known figures from Armenian life in the New York and New Jersey
    area were present alongside former Karabagh Committee members Hrach
    Kaprielian, Hirant Gulian and brothers Armen and Paul Shahinian. The
    Primate of Artsakh, Archbishop Pargev Martirossian, was present
    together with Robert Avetisyan, the permanent representative of the
    Republic of Mountainous Karabagh to the United States.

    Nazarian gave words of welcome and introduced the guests. Then
    Sahakian spoke about Roubian's unparalleled efforts during the
    liberation struggle.

    Aide to Sahakian David Babayan read the edict: "In connection with the
    20th anniversary of the Republic of Mountainous Karabagh, we award
    the American-Armenian benefactor Andreas Roubian for his service to
    the Republic of Mountainous Karabagh in the fields of the economy,
    culture, education and scholarship, healthcare, and politics."

    In his words of thanks, Roubian said that his collaborators had earned
    this medal, but even more than them, those who through the sacrifice
    of their lives liberated Karabagh. He said, "I dedicate this to them."

    The evening was a moving one, especially for those who lived day to
    day through the moments of the liberation of the Armenian regions of
    Lachin, Stepanakert and Shushi, Fizouli and Jebrayil. Together with
    those days of pride, they remembered Armenian martyrs sacrificed on
    the frontlines.

    (This article was translated from the Armenian original.)
