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Armenian MP Hopes For French Parliament To Adopt Genocide Bill

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  • Armenian MP Hopes For French Parliament To Adopt Genocide Bill


    December 16, 2011 - 14:23 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian MP Gagik Minasyan commented on
    Armenian-Turkish normalization process as well as the bill
    criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial introduced recently to
    the French parliament.

    "Hopefully, French President Nicolas Sarkozy's words regarding the
    Armenian Genocide recognition will encourage the French parliament
    to adopt the bill penalizing the Armenian Genocide denial regardless
    of Turkey's threats," Minasyan said

    He noted discussion of the Armenian issue by Turkish public among
    the positive results the reconciliation process yielded.

    Armenian MP further hailed adoption of H.Res.306 by U.S. House of
    Representatives calling upon Turkey to return the Christian church
    properties it stole through genocide.

    The French National Assembly is set to vote on the bill criminalizing
    the Armenian Genocide denial on December 22.

    On December 7, the Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly has
    passed the bill introduced by MP Valerie Boyer (UMP). The measure
    envisages a 45,000 euro fine and a one-year imprisonment for the denial
    of the Armenian Genocide, which was recognized by France back in 2001.

    In the framework of his visit to Armenia, French President Nicolas
    Sarkozy called for Turkish recognition of the Armenian Genocide and
    resumption of Armenian-Turkish normalization process.

    On December 7, the Judiciary Committee of the French National Assembly
    has passed the bill on criminalization of the Armenian Genocide denial
    introduced by MP Valerie Boyer (UMP).

    On December 14, the U.S. House of Representatives adopted a landmark
    religious freedom measure, H.Res.306, calling upon Turkey to return
    the Christian church properties it stole through genocide, and to
    end its repression of the surviving members of the vast Christian
    civilizations that once represented a majority in the territory of
    the present-day Republic of Turkey.

    On August 28, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed a decree
    on the return of Christian and Jewish religious property confiscated
    after the 1930s. The properties involved include hospitals, orphanage
    and school buildings, burial grounds.

    The Turkish government also intends to pay compensation for the
    property sold away. The property subject to return includes the former
    hospital, orphanage, school buildings, cemeteries, shops, ground area,
    as well as all assets of the Fund "Surb Harutiun" (Holly Resurrection).
