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Serzh's Weapon Is His Loneliness

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  • Serzh's Weapon Is His Loneliness

    Hayk Aramyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 12:51:16 - 16/12/2011

    Serzh Sargsyan is alone, completely alone with his coalition,
    opposition and state figures. This situation has occurred objectively.

    The system which has been shaping the Armenian political class for
    two decades, including Serzh Sargsyan, collapsed in the result of
    home and foreign events but there is no replacement. No replacement
    is there because the Armenian political class is a conglomerate of
    political adventurers, criminals and small vendors which is unable
    to work out and propose solutions both at home and foreign front terms.

    The political class was used to a situation when others made decisions
    for it, and it gets its "share" from the feeder. Declared as political
    forces, the political and criminalized business interfered in the
    management of the country which dictated their rules and laws.

    So, the "blessed life" ended hit by new developments. And it is found
    out that the political and criminalized business "elite" are confused,
    not knowing what to do in the new situation.

    Under these conditions, when they need to take a decision, they
    evidently fail because no similar mechanism has ever been introduced
    in Armenia. For example, BHP keeps mysterious silence, failing to
    announce whether it is with Serzh Sargsyan, the Congress, Kocharyan
    or alone. ARFD reminds vendors standing in line at night in front of
    a wholesale market who think what to buy. Now and then, the Congress
    makes proposals first to the BHP, then to Serzh Sargsyan. The RPA
    does not understand whether to work with Serzh Sargsyan or Robert
    Kocharyan. Let alone the other parties.

    Most people affirm that Serzh Sargsyan, for his part does not know
    what to do. He also needs to determine with who he needs to cooperate.

    Unlike the political forces, Serzh Sargsyan's situation is dual. On
    the one hand, the former methodology of the system "overwhelms"
    him because he is not used to other mechanisms. On the other hand,
    he cannot ignore all the changes in home and foreign spheres in the
    result of which a completely new situation has occurred.

    All of Serzh Sargsyan's statements and steps, or their absence rather,
    accelerate the degradation of the system. Everyone is dissatisfied with
    him, including his political party. Evidently, Serzh Sargsyan is not
    doing it on purpose. On the contrary, he is trying to build a system
    to replace the former one. But the charm of the situation is that
    the former system does not allow it and the "systemic" crisis persists.

    This is a chance for the society, in the sense that it has the
    time and possibility to return its legal right to participate in
    the country's life. Most people in Armenia alarm "systemic crisis"
    but they do not explain the meaning of preservation of this system,
    and the interests of the society regarding it. Does the society have
    a chance to realize its legal rights under this system, or can the
    representatives of the system which seized this right for decades
    give such guarantees to the society for the future?

    Of course, there are concerns relating to the outcome of all this. But
    the society's task is to be consistent with the situation. As to
    Serzh Sargsyan, his real weapon is his loneliness which will either
    lead to his inglorious departure, or make him resort to the society's
    assistance. Serzh Sargsyan has no other way.
