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BAKU: Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict Settlement A Public, Open And No

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  • BAKU: Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict Settlement A Public, Open And No

    Dec 16 2011

    News.Az interviews Georgi Vanyan, chairman of the Armenia-based
    Caucasus Centre for Peacekeeping Initiatives.

    Georgi, you are implementing an interesting peacekeeping project
    in Telaki village where all initiatives and events of Azerbaijan,
    Armenia and Georgia are being held. What can you say about the project
    of creation of the peacekeeping center in the Azerbaijani village of
    Tekali in Georgian territory bordering on the three countries of the
    South Caucasus?

    During the recent visit in Germany, I have presented this project to
    the community in Berlin and I do hope that the conference participants
    from both Azerbaijan and Germany will pass their projects in Tekali in
    the nearest future. All the same, we are searching means to establish a
    permanent summer camping at the junction of the borders of the three
    South Caucasus states.

    If I am not mistaken, you attended the meeting of the Azerbaijani and
    Armenian communities of Nagorno Karabakh in Berlin. How did you receive
    the invitation and which side did you represent in that meeting?

    Yes, I have taken part in that meeting. The co-organizer of the meeting
    was German nongovernmental organization Eurocaucasia with which we have
    been cooperating for already a few years. I was representing the Tekali
    project. Usually during the discussions and interviews I often have
    to speak of terms and formulations. Your questions has given me one
    more ground. In our sad reality-the public dialogue fully copies the
    state diplomatic activity. Only personal airplanes for participants,
    carpets on the asphalt and military orchestras are left.

    If the matter is about the meeting of people, not empowered by the
    law to hold negotiations, how can they 'represent any party'? Can
    anyone represent any party at the meeting attended by analysts, public
    figures, students, journalists, even if there were two deputies of
    the Azerbaijani parliament among them?

    To my mind, civil dialogue is not a dialogue of the parties, it is a
    dialogue of the people who are interested in the parties to put all
    possible efforts to resolve the conflict. This dialogue is held on
    par and inside the community for promotion of ideas about the need to
    solve the conflict. There are no parties in civil peacekeeping. There
    are peacekeepers and those who stand on their way. There is even no
    confrontation out there. This is a single process of overcoming.

    The Minsk Group co-chairs and international mediators have again
    intensified and spoke about the new cycle of promotion of the peaceful
    negotiation process on the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. It is
    noted that Azerbaijan and Armenia have allegedly coordinated almost
    all the major disputable issues on the future definition of the
    status of Nagorno Karabakh and it is now left to withdraw Armenian
    armed forces from Azerbaijani lands?

    I find it difficult to speak about the processes which I suppose are
    imitational. Is it the intensification of imitations? Probably, it is.

    Is it the withdrawal of troops? Everything is possible but this is
    not linked to the conflict settlement. The conflict settlement is a
    public, open and non-violent process. This is a process of agreement.

    Is the style and ideology of the Minsk Group's activity close to this?

    What will bring the soonest resolution of the Karabakh conflict to
    Armenia and Armenian people, to your mind?

    Possible establishment of independent statehood.

    Then why did the representatives of the Armenian community of Nagorno
    Karabakh refuse to arrive to the meeting in Berlin over which the
    Armenian mass media wrote about the failure of the meeting. Is it
    true and did not meeting really have practical use for establishing
    a dialogue on the resolution of the Karabakh conflict?

    It is a failure for the people who did not attend the meeting and did
    not use the opportunity to communicate and exchange views. For them
    who came, the meeting took place and was of practical use. This was a
    rare opportunity to communicate with a big audience of German experts,
    dealing with our problem, this was a rare chance of communicating
    students who bind their research activity to our region.

    I am sure that no person who undertook the mission of public activity
    can yield to political speculations. There is always an option for
    discussion and for this it is just necessary to overcome the fear.

    Who of the representatives of the Azerbaijani communities of Karabakh
    did you meet? Could you outline any plans or joint projects with the
    Azerbaijani side at the meeting in Berlin?

    All participants from Azerbaijan were represented in the program of
    the conference and we held interesting dialogues. The film "Open
    the border!" at the university audience was shown next day. It is
    interesting that during my speech I said that my film is about our
    hopelessness and apathy. After the demonstration, the participants
    disagreed with my assessment. The Berlin audience, who are quite
    well aware of the political realities of the conflict, saw hope
    and optimism in this film which consists of monologues about the
    possibility of peace.

    This opinion of the concerned spectator was a big discovery to me,
    a unique opportunity which I received thanks to Eurocaucasia, the
    projects that differ with their openness, opportunity to community
    with a possibly wider circle of people, who work and live in Germany.
