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ANKARA: Be Man Of Your Word, Erdogan Tells Sarkozy

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  • ANKARA: Be Man Of Your Word, Erdogan Tells Sarkozy


    Dec 17 2011

    Prime Minister Erdogan has reminded France's President of his earlier
    vows not to pass a bill punishing Armenian 'genocide' denials in a
    strongly worded missive

    This file photo shows Turkish PM Erdogan (L) welcoming French leader
    Sarkozy, who faces a dire warning on the 'genocide' bill. DAILY NEWS
    photo, Selahattin SONMEZ Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged the
    French President Nicolas Sarkozy to keep earlier promises to forestall
    legislation that would criminalize the denial of Armenian "genocide"
    as Ankara turned up pressure on Paris, warning French businesses of
    serious consequences to trade links.

    The bill, to be voted on Dec. 22, is threatening a fresh crisis
    in Turkish-French ties, long poisoned by strong French opposition
    to Turkey's EU accession, just when signs have emerged of a rare
    rapprochement between the two countries as part of international
    efforts to end the turmoil in Syria.

    In a letter to the French president, Erdogan urged Sarkozy "to keep
    his promise that such legislative attempts would not be finalized and
    block irreparable developments" in bilateral relations. Prime Ministry
    sources said the remark was a reference to statements Sarkozy made
    after a similar bill was approved at the French Parliament's lower
    house in 2006, but could not make it to a vote in the Senate. The
    French president said at the time that "he had no intention to take
    the bill to the Senate and did not want things to get worse," the
    letter said, adding that this position was also confirmed in talks
    with special representatives of the two leaders.

    "The advancement of such attempts will have grave consequences for
    ties between Turkey and France in all fields - political, economic
    and cultural," Erdogan said, dubbing the bill as a "hostile" move
    targeting Turkey and the Turkish community in France.

    Erdogan said that if approved, the bill would harm also efforts to
    normalize Turkish-Armenian ties and deal a blow to free speech. Turkey
    has already said it will recall its ambassador from Paris if the bill
    is passed.

    Economic ties at stake

    In an effort to enlist support from the business world, Foreign
    Minister Ahmet Davutoglu summoned representatives of French businesses
    in Turkey and Turkish companies trading with France for a meeting on
    Dec. 15.

    The minister underlined the recent "positive momentum" in
    Turkish-French relations and warned that the approval of the bill would
    "inevitably" harm bilateral trade at a time when France is under the
    threat of economic depression, diplomatic sources said.

    Turkish business leaders also mobilized to help head off the bill,
    under which anyone in France who publicly denies the genocide could
    face a year in jail and a fine of 45,000 euros ($58,000).

    The head of the Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges
    (TOBB), Rıfat Hisarcıklıoglu, visited French Ambassador Laurent
    Bili to convey his concerns over the economic repercussions of "this
    very serious problem that could profoundly shake relations," a TOBB
    statement said.

    "It's so bad that our long-term relationship is being jeopardized
    in the name of short-term expectations," Hisarcıklıoglu said,
    referring to France's presidential elections next year.

    The chairwoman of the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen's
    Association (TUSİAD), Umit Boyner, said she was already in contact
    with French counterparts ahead of a visit to Paris next week. A joint
    TOBB-TUSİAD delegation will hold a series of meetings with French
    business groups and urge them to use their influence over French
    politicians to stop the bill, she said.

    French firms may also send letter to Sarkozy

    Leading French firms in Turkey are preparing to sign a letter to be
    sent to French President Nicholas Sarkozy, according to the chief of
    one of the largest French firms operating in Turkey, the Hurriyet
    Daily News has learned. The letter is expected to deliver a united
    message against a draft bill at the French parliament that will
    introduce punishment for the denial of the "Armenian genocide."

    "We have accepted the invitation of TOBB, regarding a letter addressing
    the French Presidency and showed our sensitivity in respect to
    the matter," said Emre Uge, general manager of Sodexo Turkey, in a
    written response to questions from the Daily News. "We are expecting
    this draft, which is a clear barrier to freedom of expression, to
    be rejected by the French parliament. I hope this initiative [at
    parliament] will be limited to being one of the negative moves that
    we have been seeing prior to almost every election in France."

    "Currently there is a draft letter to be sent to French President
    Nicholas Sarkozy," said a TOBB source, speaking on condition of
    anonymity. The source said French firms operating in Turkey will
    put their name and signature on the letter. On Dec. 16, company
    representatives were discussing the content and the tone of the letter,
    the source added.

    "French firms are used to such crises - this is not the first time,"
    Banu Antonetti, board member of the Turkish-France Business Council,
    told the Daily News Dec. 16. "Political tensions would not bring a
    huge change in bilateral trade and investment ties. However, companies
    might face difficulties regarding big tenders in both countries."

    Antonetti, also a prominent lawyer based in Istanbul, said French
    companies in Turkey have not displayed any concern regarding their

    As the Daily News went to print on Dec. 16, BNP Paribas and Carrefour
    had not yet replied to questions. Bayraktar Holding, the Turkish
    distributor of Citroen, Schneider and Club Med declined to comment
    on the issue.
