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Panetta Praises Turkey For Leadership In Region And Beyond

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  • Panetta Praises Turkey For Leadership In Region And Beyond

    By Donna Miles

    American Forces Press Service

    ANKARA, Turkey, Dec. 16, 2011 - Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta
    praised Turkish leaders today for their leadership in the region at
    a time of sweeping change, including its efforts to quell the Syrian
    government's violent crackdown and to prevent Iran from tampering
    that could prevent progress.

    Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta walks through an honor cordon with
    Turkish Chief of the General Staff Gen. Necdet Ozel in Ankara, Turkey,
    December 16, 2011. DOD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo (Click photo for
    screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available.

    During what he called "very comprehensive" meetings here today with
    President Abdullah Gul, Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz, and Chief
    of the General Staff Gen. Necdet Ozel, the secretary said they also
    reaffirmed the importance the U.S.-Turkey relationship in confronting
    other pressing security challenges in the region and the world.

    "Turkey is a key NATO ally and a very critical security partner for
    the United States, Panetta told reporters following today's meetings.

    Panetta commended Turkey for providing security in Kabul as part
    of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force mission in
    Afghanistan, an effort he said that with Turkey's help has now reached
    "an important turning point."

    The secretary also expressed solidarity with Turkey in its fight at
    home against the terrorist PKK organization. "My discussions here
    in Ankara made very clear that the United States will continue to
    assist Turkey in confronting this threat," Panetta told reporters,
    including providing technology to assist them in the effort.

    "We are prepared to discuss further efforts to try to improve the
    technology and those capabilities," he said. "We continue to explore
    other steps that can be taken to assist Turkey in the effort to deal
    with the PKK."

    Panetta also noted Turkey's role in preparing NATO to deal with
    emerging threats, including its decision to host a forward-based
    radar for the NATO missile defense system.

    "I think Turkey recognizes that it is important for this country to
    be a part of that defense shield," he said.

    Recognizing objection to the system, most vocally from Russia, the
    secretary emphasized that the system is designed to protect NATO
    countries, including Turkey, from attack.

    "These are steps being taken in the defense of NATO," he said.

    "Ultimately, other countries whether they like it or don't like it,
    are going to have to accept that fact."

    Panetta emphasized during today's meetings the importance of Turkey
    and Israel resolving their differences so they can work together as
    in the past to promote regional security and stability. "I believe
    that it is Turkey's interest and in Israel's interest for the two to
    move forward" in their relationship so they are better able to deal
    with the difficult issues confronting the region, he said, expressing
    confidence that they will.

    Meanwhile, the secretary lauded Turkey's leadership during "Arab
    Spring" transitions in the region.

    "Turkey and the United States share the goal that hopefully these
    changes can produce positive results in the future for the people and
    the nations that have gone through this turmoil," Panetta said. "I
    think this represents a time of tremendous opportunity" in terms
    of advancing rights and opening doors for the people of the region,
    he said.

    Panetta praised Turkey for its leadership in calling for Syrian
    President Bashar Assad to step down, and said he believes he believes
    it's inevitable that it will happen, particularly if international
    pressure continues.

    "We have seen what has happened elsewhere, and I believe that at some
    point it is going to happen in Syria as well," he said. "But in order
    for that to happen, I think it is important, not only for Turkey and
    the United States, but the international community to continue to
    bring pressure on Syria, on the Assad regime to do the right thing."

    Panetta said he is encouraged that the United Nations, including
    Russia, as well as other Arab nations and the Arab League have joined
    the effort to pressure Syria.

    "The best thing right now is the unity of the international community
    in delivering that message," he said. "That kind of unified effort, ...

    [and] unified pressure, I think, is ultimately going to pay off."

    Panetta also called Turkey an important partner in reining in Iranian
    tampering during this period of transition in the region.

    "We have urged Iran to join the family of nations, not to isolate
    itself from the rest of the world," he said. "And I think Turkey
    agrees that we should do everything possible to try to urge Iran to be
    a member of the family of nations, as opposed to trying to undermine
    progress that is being made in this region."

    Noting that he laid a wreath today at the Anitkabir Ataturk Mausoleum,
    the secretary praised Turkey for "the modern and vibrant democracy"
    it has become, calling it "a testament to the vision and the strength
    of the Turkish people."

    Looking to the future, Panetta promised that the United States will
    remain true to its partnership with Turkey. "The Turkish people should
    know that they have a committed friend and a committed ally in the
    United States," he concluded.
