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Turkish PM warns Sarkozy against bill recognizing Armenian "genocide

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  • Turkish PM warns Sarkozy against bill recognizing Armenian "genocide

    Xinhua General News Service, China
    December 16, 2011 Friday 10:40 AM EST

    Turkish PM warns Sarkozy against French bill recognizing Armenian "
    genocide" claims

    ANKARA Dec. 16

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday warned French
    President Nicolas Sarkozy against a French bill recognizing the deaths
    of Armenians in 1915 as " genocide", saying that the bill would have
    "grave consequences" on the bilateral relations, the semiofficial
    Anatolian news agency reported.

    "I want to express this clearly," Erdogan said in a letter sent to
    Sarkozy, "these steps will lead to grave consequences for the
    cultural, economic and political relations between France and Turkey,
    and the responsibility of these consequences will fall on those who
    initiated those steps."

    France's National Assembly is expected to vote next week on the bill,
    which recognizes the "genocide" claims and stipulates penalties for
    those who publicly deny the claims.

    Turkish officials said Thursday that if the French bill were to be
    passed, Ankara would recall its ambassador in France and freeze the
    bilateral ties.

    Turkey and Armenia have had no diplomatic or economic ties since
    Armenia declared independence in 1991. The two countries have been
    bogged down in a dispute over the World War I-era deaths of Armenians
    under the Ottoman rule. Armenia says the deaths occurred in a
    "genocide," while Turkey denies the charge and insists that the
    Armenians were victims of widespread chaos and governmental breakdown
    as the Ottoman Empire collapsed before modern Turkey was created.

    Turkey and Armenia signed protocols to normalize their relations and
    open borders last year, but the pacts need to be approved by both
    countries' parliaments before taking effect.
