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Iran has warned Turkey against military attack under aegis of NATO

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  • Iran has warned Turkey against military attack under aegis of NATO

    Iran has warned Turkey against military attack under aegis of NATO

    Monday, December 12, 15:52

    An Iranian security official said if there would be any attack on
    Iran they will 'definitely' target the missile system which is planned
    to be stationed in the eastern province of Malatya as part of NATO's
    missile defense project and they have a plan to counteract the shield,
    Hurriyet daily news reports.

    "We are closely monitoring the relations with Turkey in the National
    Security Commission of the parliament. Iran has warned before Turkey
    that the deployment of the system will have grave consequences.
    General Hajizadeh's remarks are entirely true and when we were
    attacked, it is our natural right to defend ourselves," said
    vice-chairman of the Iranian parliament's national security and
    foreign policy commission, Hossein Ibrahimi. "Our armed forces have
    pre-studied plans and tactics against the NATO system," Ibrahimi told
    Farsi-language Shargh newspaper.

    Ankara previously conveyed unease to Tehran over the remarks warning
    that Iran would target NATO missile defense installations in Turkey's
    Malatya province if the U.S. or Israel attacked by Gen. Ali Hajizadeh,
    the head of the aerospace unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards
    Corps (IRGC). Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu conveyed to his Iranian
    counterpart Turkey's disturbance over recent Iranian threats to attack
    installations in Turkey when the two met in Jeddah on Nov. 30. Iranian
    Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said the air force commander's
    remarks did not reflect Tehran's official position. Iranian officials
    have long criticized Ankara for deploying a U.S.-led NATO early
    warning radar system in its territories, but it was the first time a
    high ranking military official from Iran warned of a military act
    against Turkey.
