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BAKU: French Bill Stems From 'Concern' At Strength Of Turkey, Azerba

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  • BAKU: French Bill Stems From 'Concern' At Strength Of Turkey, Azerba

    Dec 19 2011

    On 22 December, the French Senate is to discuss a bill criminalizing
    denial of genocide recognized by France, which will include denial
    that the killings of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey were genocide. What
    negative consequences can this bill have for Turkish-French relations,
    if it is adopted?

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sent a letter
    to President Nicolas Sarkozy, calling on him to block the bill
    criminalizing denial of genocide. In his letter, the PM said that,
    if adopted, the bill would cause irreparable damage to Turkish-French
    relations. Of course, the ruling Justice and Development Party, as
    well as the Turkish Grand National Assembly believe that the possible
    decision of the French Senate would create major problems in relations
    between Ankara and Paris.

    What may the Turkish side do in response if the bill is passed?

    Time will tell. Of course, the strengthening of Turkey's position in
    the region began to worry a number of European countries, including
    Paris. France is concerned about the strengthening of Turkey and
    Azerbaijan, the increase in the economic participation of the two
    countries in Europe and is, therefore, using the Armenian issue in
    an attempt to harm the image of our states. European countries raise
    the "Armenian" question from time to time when they feel the "need"
    to put pressure on Turkey.

    Will the Turkish prime minister's letter and the planned visit by
    a group of Turkish parliamentarians to France to explain to their
    French counterparts the inadmissibility of the bill be enough to
    prevent adoption of the law?

    We hope that these measures will suffice and will prevent the adoption
    of the bill. If adopted, it will harm the interests of France itself.

    Can the possible decision of the French Senate influence further the
    normalization process of Turkish-Armenian relations?

    As you know, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in his speech at
    the Azerbaijani parliament, put an end to this matter, noting that
    the normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations should be expected
    only when the occupied territories of Azerbaijan are liberated. Turkey
    remains committed to these assurances. This is the only true condition
    for the normalization of relations with Armenia. Therefore, any steps
    taken by European and other forces to change this position will not
    bring results.

    What joint measures, in your opinion, can Azerbaijan and Turkey take
    to counter the aspirations of the Armenian diaspora to achieve the
    recognition of the "Armenian genocide" by parliaments in Europe?

    Of course, with the increasing political influence of Turkey and
    Azerbaijan in the region, strengthening the economies of these
    countries, Armenia will be forced to move away from its destructive
    activities. Accordingly, Armenia, faced with the joint resistance
    of Turkey and Azerbaijan, will not be able to put the "genocide"
    on the agenda.

    I think that Armenia will stop attempts to have the "genocide"
    recognized by parliaments worldwide when it sees strong Turkey and
    strong Azerbaijan and will then admit that such actions harm its
    own interests.

    Similarly, it should be noted that Turkey and Azerbaijan, besides
    direct inter-state relations, also cooperate within international
    organizations including the UN, OSCE and Council of Europe. But I think
    that the level of these relations is not sufficient. Therefore, our
    two countries should link their actions in international organizations
    to a greater extent.

    Moreover, our diaspora organizations should step up their work, since,
    as you know, the activity of the Azerbaijani and Turkish diasporas is
    not so visible as that of the Armenian dispora. The activity of the
    Armenian diaspora is directed against Turkey and Azerbaijan. In this
    connection, our diasporas should step up their work and coordinate
    to a greater extent.

    From: Baghdasarian