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BAKU: 'Azerbaijani Turks, Turkish People Should Protest Against Fran

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  • BAKU: 'Azerbaijani Turks, Turkish People Should Protest Against Fran

    Dec 19 2011

    The super countries spend billions of dollars to wars while they
    remain indifferent to the thirstiness and starvation of more than
    30,000 underage children in Somalia.

    The statement came from MP Ganira Pashayeva, Gun.Az reports.

    According to the MP, such carelessness is not observed only in
    humanitarian sphere but also in political life, as well.

    Pashayeva noted that the most obvious example to this happening in
    France i.e. the country's parliament officially recognized so called
    "Armenian genocide" on 12 October 2006.

    "And several days ago the French parliamentary commission adopted a
    bill on penalizing refuters of the so-called Armenian genocide by
    one-year imprisonment or EUR45,000, initiated by 40 MPs of French
    President Nicola Sarkozy's 'National Movement Union' and 'New Center'
    Parties. The Parliament will table this bill on 22 December. The next
    big counterfeit, hypocrisy and injustice!

    Can you imagine, the country that doesn't penalize refuters of god will
    penalize refuters of so called Armenian genocide? This is a paradox,
    isn't it? I wonder if the French Parliament realizes how illogical,
    hypocritical and unjust it looks from outside".

    The MP asked how French parliamentarians will dare to speak about
    freedom of speech and opinions and human rights if the bill is adopted.

    "But they will speak. Since, it's not the Khojaly genocide that they
    keep silent. The events that happen in the French Parliament can be
    simply called counterfeit, hypocrisy, injustice and double standards.

    First and foremost, parliament is not an institute of history. Such
    claims should be assessed by historians, not parliament. But in France
    and some other countries, the so called Armenian genocide is explored
    not by historians but by politicians. Because they know that if the
    claims are observed by historians, the truth will come out.

    I don't mention yet France's participation on events in 1915. After
    facing a humiliating defeat in front of Turkey in the First World War,
    France adopted so called Armenian genocide for some political motives.

    And now, it wants to write down quite a different history by penalizing
    refuters of the 'genocide'.

    I wonder why the French parliamentarians, exploring the false genocide
    that they claim happened 100 years ago when even their fathers didn't
    witness it, don't want to see the Khojaly genocide committed by Armenia
    19 years ago. While video materials on Khojaly genocide exist, why
    don't they want to speak about it and condemn its committers?" the
    MP noted.

    According to Pashayeva, they are not concerned over the fate and
    rights of 300,000 IDPs and more than 200 Azerbaijanis killed as a
    result of the Armenian aggression in 1988-1990.

    "If France want to see justice, it should take aside the hostility and
    learn lesson from it. This is the real hypocrisy, injustice and double
    standards. No one was authorizes at the French Parliament to explore
    and assess the Turkish history. France is the OSCE Minsk group's
    co-chairing country which is committed to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict. Almost 15 years have passed but France has done nothing in
    this direction. "

    Why don't French parliamentarians demand a report to say 'one million
    Azerbaijanis cannot return their homes for nearly 20 years, their
    human rights continue to be trampled down by the Armenian side'? Why
    doesn't the French Parliament, viewing itself as a court of justice,
    hold discussions on Khojaly genocide?"

    The MP also said that the instances in the French Parliament don't
    worry solely brother Turkey but also worries and enrages Azerbaijan
    and Azerbaijanis, as well.

    At the end, Pashayeva called all Turks in France to stand up:

    "I challenge all Turks living in France to stand up, scream out
    their just words and express strict protests. Also, regardless of
    where they live, all Azerbaijani Turks and Turkish people should
    voice their protests against the wrong step of France. At the end,
    I would like to note that If France adopts such bill or decision,
    it will lose also Azerbaijan along with Turkey".
