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Turkey Hits Out At French Genocide Bill

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  • Turkey Hits Out At French Genocide Bill

    Thomas Seibert

    The National UAE
    Dec 20 2011

    ISTANBUL // France plans to make it illegal to deny that Armenians
    were victims of a genocide by Turks during the First World War -
    a move being protested against by the Turkish government.

    But critics say these objections are out of step with a growing
    willingness by Turkish society to address the genocide question.

    "Turkish governments simply don't know how to deal with this issue,"
    said Cengiz Aktar, a political scientist at Bahcesehir University in
    Istanbul and a member of a group of Turkish intellectuals calling on
    their country to face its past. "Civil society is way ahead of the
    state on this," he said yesterday.

    The bill, scheduled to come before the French National Assembly on
    Thursday, outlines a jail sentence of up to one year and a fine of
    ~@45,000 (Dh 215,300) for anyone in France who convicted of publicly
    denying the genocide.

    Armenia, several western countries as well as some international
    experts say that the Ottoman Armenians became the victims of genocide
    in the final phase of the Ottoman Empire in 1915 and that up to 1.5
    million members of that Christian minority were killed in massacres
    and death marches. The Turkish state rejects the term genocide and
    says the deaths were the result of a relocation effort under wartime
    conditions and that many Muslim Turks were killed by Armenian militias.

    France, which has a large population of Armenian descent and is
    facing presidential elections next year, recognised the killings
    as genocide in 2001. Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, has in
    the past promised his country's Armenian community to support a law
    criminalising its denial.

    Turkey has protested against several bills by western countries,
    like France and Switzerland, condemning the Armenian genocide in the
    past, and the bill in Paris is no exception. Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
    the Turkish prime minister, has warned of "irreparable" damage to
    Turkish-French ties if the bill is passed. An adoption of the bill
    would cause serious consequences in political, economic and cultural
    ties, Mr Erdogan warned in a letter to Mr Sarkozy, according to the
    Turkish Anadolu news agency.

    Ahmet Davutoglu, the foreign minister, said on Sunday that an adoption
    of the genocide bill would trigger a counter-initiative by Turkey to
    draw attention to French misdeeds in former colonies. Engin Solakoglu,
    the Turkish ambassador to Paris, told Agence-France Presse he expected
    to be recalled to Ankara for consultations if the bill is passed.

    Turkish officials also noted that the vote in Paris was scheduled
    to take place on the anniversary of the death of a Turkish diplomat
    who was killed by Armenian militants seeking revenge for the Turkish
    massacres. Yilmaz Colpan, a diplomat at the Turkish embassy in Paris,
    was shot in the French capital on December 22, 1979.

    "I hope this is just a bad coincidence" as opposed to a deliberate
    insult to Turkey, a Turkish diplomat said about the timing of the
    vote in Paris.

    Volkan Bozkir, a member of parliament in Ankara, travelled to Paris to
    convince French lawmakers to cancel the vote. Turkish business leaders
    also went to France to warn of consequences for economic relations,
    should the bill pass.

    But there were few signs that reactions would go beyond strong
    criticism and the recall of the ambassador. Mehmet Simsek, the finance
    minister, told parliament that Turkey would not launch a boycott of
    French goods in retaliation for the genocide bill. With nearly 1,000
    French companies doing business in Turkey and a bilateral trade that
    reached [email protected] last year, Turkish businessmen are also unlikely to
    call for a boycott.

    Rifat Hisarciklioglu, the head of the Union of Chambers and Commodity
    Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), told AFP that "French companies are among
    our members and we also protect their interests".

    That restraint differs sharply from the situation from a few
    years ago when Turkish intellectuals were put on trial in Istanbul
    for saying Armenians died in a genocide and, in Istanbul, Turkish
    extremists killed Hrant Dink, a Turkish-Armenian journalist calling
    for reconciliation between the two countries.

    Since then, the issue has been more widely debated at academic
    conferences and other panels, a development furthered by a
    strengthening of laws guaranteeing free speech, passed under Turkey's
    bid to become a member of the European Union.

    Alper Gormus, the former editor of a news magazine that was closed
    in 2009 under pressure from the military after exposing alleged coup
    plans by officers, told The National that the Turkish public had
    moved forward but Turkish politicians still lacked the confidence
    to face the Armenian issue. "I think society is ready for this,
    but unfortunately politicians do not act upon it," Mr Gormus said.

    Mehmet Ali Birand, a prominent commentator, wrote in the Posta
    newspaper last month that the unwillingness to address the Armenian
    genocide issue was holding Turkey back. "What are we afraid of?" Mr
    Birand wrote. "We cannot gain anything by denial."

    Last month, Mr Erdogan issued a formal apology "in the name of the
    state" for massacres by state troops against Alevite Kurds in the
    central Anatolian province of Dersim, later renamed Tunceli, in the
    1930s when more than 10,000 civilians were killed. But there has been
    no similar move in the case of the Armenian massacres.
