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Turkey Moves To Lobby Over French Bill

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  • Turkey Moves To Lobby Over French Bill


    Press TV
    Dec 21 2011

    A Turkish delegation has met with French officials in a last-minute
    attempt to prevent the passing of a bill by the French parliament
    that would criminalize the denial of the alleged Armenian genocide,
    Press TV reports.

    The Turkish delegation including lawmakers and businessmen held
    talks with French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe and President
    Nicolas Sarkozy's foreign policy advisor Jean-David Levitte on the
    controversial bill.

    They argued that the bill was an attempt to win support among voters
    of Armenian origin during the next French presidential election due
    in April next year.

    The French parliament is expected to vote on whether to punish people
    who deny the mass killing of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire during
    the World War I. If the bill becomes a law, deniers could face up to
    a year in prison and a fine of EUR 45,000.

    Turkey says there has been no genocide, noting that the 500,000 of
    people who died between 1915 and 1917 were the casualties of World
    War I.

    Armenians, however, insists the Ottomans deliberately perpetrated
    genocide and killed 3 times more than the figure.

    France's ruling party which is behind the bill has not changed its
    position since 2006 when a similar law without punishments came
    into effect.

    "The question of the genocide is so strong, the proofs of the
    genocide are also so strong," said Patrick Devedjian, a lawmaker of
    the governing UMP party in France.

    Ankara has warned France against passing the bill, saying the country
    would retaliate by beginning to recount the colonial history of France
    to the world.

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has strongly criticized
    France over the bill.

    Erdogan, in a news conference last week, said that "those who want
    to see genocide should turn round and look at their own dirty,
    bloody history."
