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ANKARA: Being Right And Wrong At The Same Time

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  • ANKARA: Being Right And Wrong At The Same Time


    Today's Zaman
    Dec 20 2011

    This week Turkey is again forced to use all its power of persuasion
    and its political, economic and diplomatic clout to try and stop
    another country from meddling with Turkey's national history.

    We have been here before and it is no surprise to see what the fuss
    is all about: the Armenian massacres in 1915 and whether or not they
    should be labeled as genocide. This time it is the French senate that
    is about to vote on a proposal to criminalize the denial of what the
    French state officially considers genocide. If this new legislation
    is adopted, everyone who explicitly disagrees with the French reading
    of history will be punished by a maximum one-year prison sentence or
    a 45,000 euro fine.

    The Turkish government is fully right in trying to prevent such a
    ludicrous decision for two reasons. The first is that determining what
    happened in the past is definitively not a task for politicians but
    for historians. Parliamentarians should simply stay out of historical

    The second reason why Turkey has a good point is the fact that this
    new law violates the very freedom of speech the French always claim to
    uphold. Are these French lawmakers the heirs to Voltaire, the French
    philosopher who famously said: "I may not agree with what you say,
    but I will defend to the death your right to say it"? Or are they
    spineless opportunists who are willing to sacrifice their professed
    principles in return for some expected electoral benefits? Can you
    imagine the cries of indignation these same people would produce if
    Turkey adopts a similar piece of legislation, punishing those who
    disagree with the official Turkish state version of history?

    At the same time, Turkey is also wrong. Wrong in thinking it can
    keep on bullying and blackmailing its way out of these uncomfortable
    situations. It is an illusion to think that in the run-up to the 1915
    centenary, the pressure on Turkey will decrease. Whether or not Turkey
    likes it, there is a widely shared feeling among many all over the
    world -- including many friends of Turkey -- that the time has come
    for Turkey to come to terms with these dark pages in its history,
    both for its own good and for the sake of good relations with its
    neighbor Armenia.

    No country wants to be forced to accept a stranger's version of its
    own history. That is why all these genocide recognition initiatives
    coming from the Armenian diaspora were never going to produce a change
    of mind among Turks. To the contrary, they created resentment and
    anger. What Turkey needs is a debate among Turks about what happened
    in 1915. Based on a new, unprejudiced reading of history, using all
    the pieces of information that have already been gathered by Turkish,
    Armenian and other specialists.

    That is why Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's 2005 proposal to
    Armenian President Robert Kocharyan to establish a joint commission
    of historians was such a good idea. That is why it is such a pity
    that the 2009 Turkish-Armenian protocols that would have led to the
    establishment of such a body have still not been ratified. But why
    should Turkey wait any longer to start something that needs to be
    done anyway?

    Three weeks ago, during a visit to Turkey, Alain Juppé, the French
    foreign minister who does not see eye to eye on this issue with
    President Nicolas Sarkozy, came up with an offer that went almost
    unnoticed at the time. He said his country would be willing to host
    a Turkish-Armenian joint history commission meeting to at least start
    a dialogue on the events of 1915 that are so painful to both peoples.

    It is easy to be cynical about his offer or to conclude immediately
    that it will never work. Yes, it won't be easy and no, there is no
    guarantee that such a mixed group of historians will come up with a
    shared vision that will convince both Turks and Armenians. But it is
    worth trying. Instead of constantly trying to block others, would it
    not be wise, clever and surprising for Turkey to respond positively
    and take the lead in trying to find a solution to a problem that,
    if kept unsolved, will keep on haunting Turkey? Why is there no
    Turkish delegation in Paris this week to discuss the details of his
    plan with Juppé?
