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eNewsletter o the Eastern Diocese - 12/22/2011

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  • eNewsletter o the Eastern Diocese - 12/22/2011

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    TOP STORY December 22, 2011

    St. Joseph

    _Archbishop Barsamian's Christmas Message_

    Despite the warm, peaceful feelings Christmas evokes, the story of Christ's
    birth could have ended in tragedy-cut off before it had barely begun.

    In his annual Christmas Message, Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag
    Barsamian reminds us that "it was one man's calling to lift the Nativity
    story out of tragedy," and "allow the warmth and sweetness of Christmas to

    That man was Joseph the Carpenter: the husband of Mary, and the earthly
    father who raised and instructed Jesus. Understanding Joseph's indispensable
    role in the first Christmas is our first step in approaching Jesus, and in
    understanding the consequence of our own ministry.

    Read the entire 2012 Christmas Message in [4]English and [5]Armenian.
    5. Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=605fe7e59a-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email

    Scripture of the Week

    Is 41:4-14
    Heb 7:11-25
    Lk 19:12-28

    Prayer of the Week

    Son of God, true God, who descended from the bosom of the Father and took
    flesh of the holy Virgin Mary for our salvation, who was crucified, buried,
    and arose from the dead, and ascended with glory to the Father.

    Grant forgiveness to me a sinner, for since my birth at the holy font until
    this day I have sinned before your Godhead with my senses and with all the
    members of my body.

    Have mercy upon your creatures, and upon me, a great sinner.

    Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    _24 December:_ St. David the Prophet-King and the Holy Apostle James,
    Brother of the Lord

    _26 December:_ St. Stephen the Protodeacon and First Martyr

    _27 December:_ Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

    _29 December:_ Holy Apostles James and John, "Sons of Thunder"; Barekendan
    of the Fast of Nativity


    St. Stephanos Church in Bulgaria
    The newly built St. Stepanos Armenian Church in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria.

    _New Armenian Church Built in Bulgaria _

    On Sunday, December 18, the Armenian community of Pazardzhik, Bulgaria,
    participated in the celebration of the first Divine Liturgy at the city's
    newly built St. Stepanos Armenian Church. The Divine Liturgy was celebrated
    by the Very Rev. Fr. Abgar Hovakimian, the Vicar General of the Diocese of

    Construction of the new house of worship began in 2005, and was completed
    thanks to the support of local and diasporan Armenians. Previously the city
    was home to an Armenian church which was destroyed by the Communist regime
    in 1969.

    Also taking part in Sunday's celebration was Armenia's Ambassador to
    Bulgaria Arsen Shoyan, Mayor of Pazardzhik Todor Popov, and other government
    officials. A blessing of _madagh_ and a musical program and celebration
    followed services.

    Armenians have been living in what is now Bulgaria since the Byzantine era.
    The present-day community is estimated at 20,000 people.

    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian
    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian in Cuba earlier this month.

    _Ecumenical Director Visits Cuba with NCC Delegation _

    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Ecumenical Director of the Eastern Diocese,
    joined a delegation of U.S. church leaders on a visit to Cuba last month,
    where the group met with a U.S. political prisoner, local religious figures,
    and government officials.

    Archbishop Aykazian and National Council of Churches Secretary Michael
    Kinnamon met with Alan Gross, an American subcontractor who was arrested and
    sentenced in Cuba for community work he was carrying out through the United
    States Agency for International Development in 2009.

    Archbishop Aykazian said the NCC pressed Cuban authorities to release Mr.
    Gross and to ensure his safe passage home. Back in Washington, D.C., this
    month, Archbishop Aykazian said he met with Mr. Gross's wife and updated her
    on the visit and on her husband's health.

    Also during the NCC-organized visit, which took place from November 22 to
    December 2, the delegation met with religious leaders and visited Greek and
    Orthodox churches in the country. They were received by government
    officials, with whom they discussed the need to normalize relations between
    the United States and Cuba.

    Together the NCC and the Council of Churches of Cuba released a statement
    urging President Barack Obama to revisit U.S. policies toward Cuba, which
    originated during the Kennedy Administration half a century ago.

    `We have no doubt that it is in the best interest of both Cuba and the U.S.
    to initiate the sort of normalized relations appropriate to sovereign and
    neighboring countries,' the statement said, adding that a review of the
    current situation would also need to take into account a number of
    humanitarian issues.


    Bishop Haigazoun Najarian
    Bishop Haigazoun Najarian met with Archbishop Barsamian and Diocesan staff
    during a visit on December 22.

    _Bishop Haigazoun Najarian Visits Diocesan Center_

    The Diocesan Center in New York was pleased to welcome a dear friend and
    former colleague, the newly-consecrated His Grace Bishop Haigazoun

    The former Diocesan Vicar, who was appointed in 2010 by His Holiness Karekin
    II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, to serve as the
    Pontifical Legate for Central Europe and Sweden, visited the center on
    December 22. He met with Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, and
    Diocesan staff members.

    Bishop Najarian was one of six clergymen elevated to the episcopate by the
    Catholicos in early November. In his capacity as Pontifical Legate of
    Central Europe, Bishop Najarian is based in Vienna, Austria, and oversees
    the spiritual needs of the Armenian communities in more than a dozen
    European countries. Administratively aided by vicars in Sweden and Prague
    (Czech Republic), he is primarily in charge of Eastern Europe's broadly
    dispersed clergy, and Armenian communities in varying levels of development.

    Europe's Armenian communities contrast in many ways with their counterparts
    in America, according to Bishop Najarian. While many of the former are much
    older than anything in America (some dating back to the Middle Ages), the
    communities are not as tightly organized, and in places the church plays a
    less dominant role in community affairs. Nevertheless, he sees among his new
    flock a great potential for development, and a thirst for the authentic
    faith of the Armenian Christian heritage.

    Bishop Najarian will be visiting the United States through the New Year.

    Christmas Servicese at St. Vartan Armenian Cathderal

    _Christmas Services at St. Vartan Cathedral in New York_

    The Feast of the Nativity and Baptism of Jesus Christ will be observed at
    New York's St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral on Thursday and Friday, January 5
    and 6. [6]Click here to view the special liturgical schedule for these
    "Armenian Christmas" services.

    Following services and the Blessing of Water ceremony on January 6, a Home
    Blessing service and Christmas reception will be held in Haik and Alice
    Kavookjian Auditorium. The Akh'tamar Dance Ensemble of the St. Thomas Church
    of Tenafly, NJ, will perform during the reception, which is free and open to
    the public.

    Concurrent with the Armenian Christmas observances, an art exhibit will be
    on display in Guild Hall and Yerevan Hall of the cathedral complex. In
    "Armenian Christmas and the Legacy of Armenian Artists," curator Vicki
    Shoghag Hovanessian has assembled works by prominent Yerevan-based painters
    and by prolific American-Armenian artists. [7]Click here for more
    information about the exhibit.
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    Diocesan Council meeting

    _Diocesan Council Meets in Boston _

    The Diocesan Council met on Saturday, December 17, at Holy Trinity Church in
    Cambridge, MA. Members reviewed the results to date of the Annual Appeal and
    received a report from development team members Dr. Sam Mikaelian and Sandra
    Shahinian Leitner about activities planned for the coming months,
    particularly in connection with the endowment fund that is being established
    in honor of the Primate's 40th ordination anniversary, which will be used to
    support Diocesan youth programs.

    The council also received and discussed reports from the Diocesan vicar,
    executive director, and treasurer. A portion of the meeting was devoted to a
    brainstorming session in which all council members discussed the mission of
    the Armenian Church and the meaning of our faith and church in the lives of

    After the meeting, council members met with clergy and parish council
    leaders from the New England region and discussed the Diocese's lay ministry
    theme and how it is being implemented in the parishes. Participants shared
    many inspiring examples of their local lay ministry initiatives and

    On Sunday, December 18, council members attended the 80th anniversary
    celebration at St. James Church in Watertown, MA.

    Annual Appeal
    Archbishop Barsamian speaks with Edward and Janet Mardigian during the
    Annual Appeal reception at St. John Church.

    _Annual Appeal Receptions Held in Detroit, Boston_

    Receptions were held in Detroit and Boston last week for the 2011 Annual
    Appeal-the only Diocesan-wide fundraiser conducted each year to help the
    Diocese provide the many ministries, programs, and resources that enrich
    life in our local parishes.

    On Thursday, December 15, about 100 people gathered at St. John Church of
    Southfield, MI, for the Detroit-area reception. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian,
    Diocesan Primate, spoke about the Diocese's focus on lay ministry and
    extended his appreciation to the local parish for their support of Diocesan
    initiatives and for their active involvement in the life of the Armenian

    Diocesan Council member Howard Atesian gave an overview of the appeal and
    its importance in supporting Diocesan programming. The Rev. Fr. Garabed
    Kochakian, parish pastor, spoke about Archbishop Barsamian's leadership of
    the Eastern Diocese and his pastoral ministry.

    The reception was sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Catherine Atesian and
    Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Janet Mardigian.

    On Saturday, December 17, the Guleserian family hosted more than 120 people
    for the Boston-area reception at the Sheraton Commander Hotel. Sandra
    Shahinian Leitner spoke about the goals of the 2011 Annual Appeal. The Rev.
    Fr. Vasken Kouzouian, pastor of Holy Trinity Church of Cambridge, MA, spoke
    about Archbishop Barsamian's 40 years of service to the Armenian Church.

    This year's appeal honors the 40th anniversary of Archbishop Khajag
    Barsamian's ordination into the holy priesthood of the Armenian Church. The
    first $700,000 raised will fund the Diocese's operating budget; but all
    funds raised beyond that amount will be used to establish a special
    endowment in the Primate's honor.
    Click here to donate to the appeal.
    8. 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=605fe7e59a-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email

    Living the Armenian Church Year

    _New Online Publication from the Diocese _

    A new resource from the Diocese's Department of Youth and Education guides
    readers on a journey through the sacred calendar of Armenian Christian
    tradition. _Living the Armenian Church Year_ surveys the vital, uplifting
    commemorations of the Armenian Church, as they progress through the
    "academic year" from September through August.

    Geared for Christian educators, the manual is a resource for all people
    interested in the daily observances and milestones of our church, and how
    these can instruct and enrich the spiritual lives of Armenian
    Christians-from ancient times to the present day.

    Brief historical essays on the saints and feasts are accompanied by lessons
    which-while ideal for Sunday School assemblies or classes=80'will also allow
    general readers a wonderful opportunity for reflection and inspiration.

    [9]Click here to learn more and to access this free publication.


    _The Armenian Church in the Palm of Your Hand_

    Since the launch of Vemkar last spring, hundreds of users from the Eastern
    Diocese and beyond have downloaded the app on their mobile phones. Available
    on both iPhone and Android platforms, the free app offers daily Scripture
    readings, spiritual and folk music, videos, and much more.
    Click here to view a brief animation about the app, and check back in the
    coming weeks for new Christmas hymns, videos, and other updates.
    10. m_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=605fe7e59a-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email

    Fund for Armenian Relief
    GTech graduate Suren Gharagyozyan assists a high school teacher during
    recent computer training sessions in Armenia.

    _GTech Graduates Lead Computer Training Program _

    The Fund for Armenian Relief's Gyumri Information Technology Center _(GTech)_
    recently concluded a computer training program for high school teachers in
    Armenia's Lori and Tavush regions. GTech graduates taught advanced computer
    operating and programming skills to 18 teachers over the course of two

    The Armenian Educational Foundation, a California-based NGO that promotes
    education in Armenia, sponsored the training project. The aim of the
    training was to provide the high school teachers with the latest IT and
    Internet knowledge, and to offer them new methods for teaching IT to their

    GTech is proud to see its graduates giving back to their communities by
    enhancing IT skills of educators in Armenia. GTech was established in 2005
    by FAR, in partnership with U.S. and Armenian technology companies, and with
    strong support from FAR's Young Professional alumni community. The goal of
    the center is to strengthen the information technology skills of young
    Armenians and to expand employment and business opportunities in the region
    for young professionals. GTech also helps to bolster development by
    providing an incubator space for new start-up IT businesses.
    Click here to visit FAR's blog and to read more.


    _Visit our Blog for Daily Advent Reflections_

    Last month marked the beginning of the Advent season. Advent means
    `coming'-the coming of Christ. In Armenian it is called Hisnag, from the
    word for `fifty.'

    Advent is the 50-day period during which we prepare to celebrate the
    Nativity and Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a time to reflect on
    our relationship with God and to rededicate ourselves to Christ through our
    actions, thoughts, and prayers. Advent can also be an occasion to discover
    God's gifts all around us.

    This year the Department of Youth and Education is offering daily Advent
    reflections on our blog. [12]Click here to view today's reflection, and come
    back every day to read and reflect on a new post.


    St. James Armenian Church, Watertown, MA
    From left: Ann Korian, Paul Korian, Archbishop Barsamian, and Fr. Arakel
    Aljalian. Paul Korian received the `St. Nersess Shnorhali Medal' and
    pontifical encyclical during Sunday's celebration.

    _Watertown, MA, Parish Marks 80 Years _

    St. James Church of Watertown, MA, hosted its 80th Anniversary Name Day
    Banquet on Sunday, December 18. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan
    Primate, celebrated the Divine Liturgy and spoke about this year's Diocesan
    theme of `The Call to Serve: Ministry of the Faithful.'

    Following services, the community gathered for a special program featuring
    remarks, musical performances, and a video presentation.

    The parish honored Paul Korian as the 2011 Parishioner of the Year.
    Archbishop Barsamian presented Mr. Korian with the `St. Nersess Shnorhali
    Medal' and pontifical encyclical. Also recognized were outgoing Parish
    Council members Scott Kapilian and Sandy Raphalian.

    Remarks were offered by the Rev. Fr. Arakel Aljalian, parish pastor; former
    longtime pastor the Rev. Fr. Dajad Davidian; and the Rev. Fr. Arten Ashjian.
    Jeniffer Carson served as the master of ceremonies. The gathering was also
    an opportunity to celebrate the church's successful 75th Anniversary Capital
    Campaign, which raised funds for the renovation of the church and cultural
    center and the establishment of new programs for the parish.

    genocide exhibit in Virginia
    A traveling exhibit on the Armenian Genocide is currently on view at the
    Virginia Holocaust Museum.

    _Armenian Genocide Exhibit on View in Virginia _

    The Armenian Education Center of St. James Church (Richmond, VA) and the
    Virginia Holocaust Museum are working together to create a permanent exhibit
    on the Armenian Genocide at the Virginia Holocaust Museum.

    In the meantime, a traveling exhibit called "The Ongoing Armenian
    Genocide-Death, Denial & Desecration" is on display at the Virginia
    Holocaust Museum. The traveling exhibit is on loan from the Armenian Library
    and Museum of America of Watertown, MA. It will be on view at the Holocaust
    Museum through July 30, 2012, after which time it will move to the
    University of Richmond for an additional six months.

    The official opening and reception took place on Sunday, December 11. Guest
    speakers included Aram Arkun, a scholar of the genocide period, and Dr.
    Roger W. Smith, Professor Emeritus at the College of William and Mary.
    Members of the Virginia Holocaust Museum and the Armenian Education Center
    shared their vision for the development of a permanent Armenian Genocide
    exhibit. The Rev. Fr. Mesrob Hovsepyan, pastor of St. James Church of
    Richmond, offered a prayer.
    Click here to view a video about the reception (advance to 5:34).
    13. urce=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=605fe7e59a-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email

    Fr. Simeon Odabashian visits Nashville community
    Fr. Tateos Abdalian (left) and Fr. Simeon Odabashian with children at the
    Armenian Church of Nashville.

    _Vicar, Mission Parish Director Visit Nashville, TN_

    On Sunday, December 18, the Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian, Diocesan Vicar,
    celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Armenian Church of Nashville mission
    parish. He was assisted at the altar by the Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian, the
    Diocese's director of Mission Parishes.

    During the fellowship hour, an open forum was led by Fr. Abdalian and Parish
    Council chair Sevada Badalian. The forum gave parishioners an opportunity to
    ask questions about the Armenian Church and to brainstorm ideas for
    increasing membership and participation at the parish level.

    Also on Sunday, Fr. Abdalian baptized a child at the beginning of the Divine
    Liturgy, and Fr. Odabashian and Fr. Abdalian met with members of the Parish

    St. James ACYOA Watertown, MA
    ACYOA Juniors of Watertown, MA, wrap gifts for families in need.

    _ACYOA Juniors of Watertown, MA, Assist with Gift Drive_

    The ACYOA Juniors of St. James Church of Watertown, MA, hosted a =80=9CGiving
    Tree' drive to benefit My Brother's Keeper-a local organization that
    provides furniture, food, and other assistance to families in need.

    As part of the project, a Christmas tree bearing gift suggestions was
    installed in the church hall, and parishioners were encouraged to fulfill
    the gift suggestions.
    Once the gifts had been collected on December 12, the ACYOA Juniors=80'led by
    the Rev. Fr. Arakel Aljalian, parish pastor, and Maria Derderian, parish
    youth minister-visited My Brother's Keeper to deliver the gifts and to
    assist in sorting and wrapping them.

    _Upcoming Parish Events _

    _St. Mark Church | Springfield, MA _
    St. Mark Church of Springfield, MA, will host its second annual Christmas
    Dinner and Concert on Friday, December 23, beginning at 6 p.m. [14]Click
    here to view a flyer for more information. For reservations, contact Elaine
    Devine at (413) 267-5306 or [15][email protected].
    14. e=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=605fe7e59a-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email
    15. mailto:[email protected]

    _Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church | Providence, RI _
    The Cultural Committee of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI,
    will host a Christmas Concert titled `Silent Night, Holy Night' on
    Wednesday, December 28, at 7 p.m. The concert will be held in the church

    It will feature performances by the choir of the Saint Ephraim Syriac
    Orthodox Church, the Armenian Chorale of Rhode Island, and the Junior Choir
    of Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Church.

    [16]Click here to view a flyer for more information.
    16. ocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=605fe7e59a-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email

    _Soorp Haroutiun Church | Orlando, FL_
    Soorp Haroutiun Church of Orlando, FL, will host a New Year's Eve dinner and
    dance on Saturday, December 31, beginning at 7:30 p.m.

    Enjoy live Armenian music and a buffet dinner. The event will be held in the
    church hall (9274 Winter Garden Vineland Road in Orlando). [17]Click here to
    view a flyer for more information.
    17. se+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=605fe7e59a-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email

    _St. Leon Church | Fair Lawn, NJ_
    St. Leon Church of Fair Lawn, NJ, will host its 5th annual Christmas Dance
    on Saturday, January 7, from 7 p.m. to midnight, in the church's Community

    The evening will feature the Michael Gostanian Ensemble. Tickets are $35 for
    adults; $20 for students (ages 10-22). [18]Click here to view a flyer for
    more information
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    Khrimian Lyceum
    Khrimian Lyceum students sang Armenian songs during a recent visit to the
    New York Armenian Home.

    _Khrimian Lyceum Students Visit NY Armenian Home_

    On Saturday, December 17, students of the Diocese's Khrimian Lyceum visited
    the New York Armenian Home in Flushing, NY, where they played music, sang,
    and danced for the elderly residents.

    Maro Partamian conducted the choir and Florence Avakian accompanied on the
    piano. Also present were Berj Manukian, Gilda Kupelian (the Diocese's
    Armenian Studies coordinator), other teachers, and parents. Khrimian Lyceum
    graduate Alex Calikyan also joined the group. [19]Click here to view photos.
    19. 57_qnGRRkS

    The annual visit to the Armenian Home is part of the students' internship
    program at the Khrimian Lyceum. In the coming weeks, they will serve in
    their local parishes during the Christmas Eve celebration. At their next
    session on January 21, they will host Dr. Anny Bakalian, who will give a
    presentation on historic Armenia.

    St. David Armenian Church, FL

    _Register for the ACYOA Chapter Workshop _

    The ACYOA Central Council will sponsor its 4th annual Chapter Workshop at
    St. David Church of Boca Raton, FL, from January 13-15. The workshop will
    focus on the basics of being an ACYOA leader and working together to build a
    vibrant and successful organization.

    The Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian, Diocesan Vicar, will preside over the
    weekend's program. The Very Rev. Fr. Nareg Berberian, pastor of St. David
    Church, will serve as chaplain.

    The ACYOA Central Council strongly encourages all those who are currently in
    leadership positions in their respective chapters to attend the workshop.
    Representatives from parishes who lack organized chapters but have young
    people who are interested in establishing them are also welcome.

    Participants will stay at the Hilton in Deerfield Beach, FL. All workshop
    sessions will take place at St. David Church, which has graciously
    volunteered to host the program again this year. The registration fee is
    $175. For more information, or to register, contact Nancy Basmajian, ACYOA
    executive secretary, at [20][email protected].
    20. mailto:[email protected]


    The staff of the Eastern Diocese wish you and your loved ones a happy,
    healthy New Year and a Merry Christmas.

    [21]Click here to view our video card.
    21. m_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=605fe7e59a-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email
